Transportation agencies find effective ways to deliver programs and projects that meet the public’s need for safe and efficient travel through the Federal Highway Administration’s Every Day Counts (EDC) program. EDC is a State-based model that promotes rapid deployment of proven but underutilized innovations to shorten the project delivery process, enhance roadway safety, reduce traffic congestion, or integrate automation. During the fourth round of EDC (EDC-4), which began in 2017, States selected from 11 promoted innovations to best meet their needs and established 2-year goals to demonstrate, assess, or institutionalize the innovations.
EDC-4 deployment had a significant positive impact on the adoption of new technologies and practices within the transportation community. Technical assistance provided by teams of experts
and incentives offered through the State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) incentive programs and Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) Demonstration grants helped States reach their goals. Six of the EDC-4 innovations are now in use in more than 40 States.
“Every Day Counts inspires State and local governments to adopt cutting-edge technologies and practices in their ongoing quest to save lives, shorten project delivery, and minimize cost to the taxpayer,” says Nicole Nason, FHWA administrator.
What follows are highlights of five successfully deployed EDC-4 innovations – Check out FHWA’s Public Roads to find out more!