Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and Federal Requirements – Guidance for Local & Tribal Agencies
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announces new training to assist local and Tribal agencies with applying for transportation funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). Approximately $567 billion is available across all transportation modes over five years with about $351 billion of that for highway-specific programs. An introductory training webinar was held in September 2023. Training topics that were covered include funding opportunities, federal project delivery requirements, steps to take prior to application, pre-award requirements and resources to leverage throughout the Federal project and grant application processes.
Federal Aid Essentials
Need an answer about federal aid requirements? Take advantage of the Federal Highway Administration’s online video library of Federal Aid Essentials designed specifically for LPAs, which illustrate key components of the Federal-aid program. The informational videos highlight the purposes and benefits of policies, regulations, and best practices. Over one hundred videos cover a wide range of topics of topics, including:FEDAID
- Civil Rights
- Project Development
- Project Construction & Contract Administration
- Federal-Aid Overview
- Finance
- Right-of-Way (ROW)
- Environment
Topics have been condensed from complex federal regulations into easy-to-understand modules complete with real world examples. With each video under 10 minutes long, critical topics are addressed quickly and to the point. The videos are further accompanied by links to State and Federal resources such as web sites, manuals, and local technical assistance programs, ensuring you get a complete answer to your most pressing Federal-Aid questions.

Technical Briefs
For your convenience, the New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program has made available a series of educational materials covering a wide range of topics that could be useful to your municipality. Whether its the best way to maintain your asphalt roads or fact sheets to help you manage your federal dollars, NJLTAP has the information you need.
- New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program Brochure
- Asphalt Maintenance Factsheet
- Federally Funded Projects on the Local Level
- Learning about OSHA’s New Silica Standards
- Winter Weather Treatment and Preparedness
- Online Tools to Supplement Training
- Complete Streets and Safe Routes to School
- COVID-19 and Workplaces
- Public Works and COVID-19
- Rumble Strips
- Virtual Public Engagement
- Workforce Development During COVID-19
- Every Day Counts 6
New Jersey’s Build a Better Mousetrap Competition: What’s your bright idea?
Whether it’s a new gadget that maximizes efficiency or an innovative process that increases safety, reduces costs, or ensures quality of road maintenance and improvement projects, it’s typically the people on the front lines who discover the latest and best practices, New Jersey’s Build a Better Mousetrap Competition provides a great opportunity to share those new ideas with others!
Click here for more information!
To check out the 2024 Build a Better Mousetrap Booklet, click here!

Sign Retroreflectometer Loan Program
According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), “Retroreflectivity” refers to the ability of a traffic sign to reflect light back to driver, pedestrians, or cyclist. This becomes particularly important at night where poor visibility becomes an issue. In an attempt to remedy this and improve safety standards, FHWA has released standards detailing minimum levels of acceptable sign retroreflectivity.

FHWA Every Day Counts Round 7
EDC is a State-based model that identifies and rapidly deploys proven, yet underutilized innovations that make our transportation system adaptable, sustainable, equitable and safer for all. Visit the EDC Website to see the latest round of EDC Initiatives.
Technical Support For Local Agencies
NJ LTAP offers no-cost technical assistance and support to counties and municipalities who are facing engineering challenges such as safety improvement and infrastructure management. While NJLTAP cannot provide design, professional engineering, or consulting services, we can give guidance before or during your itneractions with professional engineering consultants and contractors and assist in interpreting regulations such as those set forth in the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

Helpful Links
High Visibility Safety Guidelines
2023 NJDOT Workzone Setup Guide
National Local Technical Assistance Program Association (NLTAPA)
National Association of County Engineers
New Jersey Department of Transportation Bureau of Research
Federal Highway Administration
New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety
American Public Works Association
New Jersey Department of Transportation Technology Transfer
Federal Highway Administration – Every Day Counts
Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council
National Transportation Training Directors
Federal Highway Administration – Center for Local Aid Support
The Local Aid Resource Center is a centralized source for information and your connection to a team of experts ready to guide you through the grant application process,assist you with project selection or provide guidance for other technical needs. The Resource Center is a new statewide effort designed to serve the needs of the 21 counties and 565 local governments throughout the state. The center will fulfill the vision of Commissioner Gutierrez-Scaccetti to assist the local government community by guiding grant applications and the project delivery process while enhancing collaboration with the common goal of a connected and efficient transportation network.
The new Resource Center team is available to assist your community with project planning, project delivery, communications, grant application, guidance through the federal process, and much more. We have created a dedicated hotline to provide prompt responses to your questions and concerns. We also plan to establish and maintain a social media presence for information sharing that promotes your successes and best practices.