On Tuesday, March 8th, CAIT celebrated International Women’s Day with a special edition of its seminar series that showcased some of the latest achievements and research of women leaders in transportation. Speakers from NJTPA, the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, and Princeton University shared their work ranging from evolving freight planning to meet modern needs to building stronger infrastructure.
The way that we think about and use transportation as it exists today has been shaped by innovative women leaders throughout history. They have contributed greatly to the safety of all modes of travel, efficiency of our transportation systems, and the development of new technology that drives transportation into the future.
As the Region 2 USDOT University Transportation Center, Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) tackles some of the country’s most pressing infrastructure challenges, especially those that are endemic in high-volume multimodal corridors such as the Northeast. Many of these transportation initiatives, from evolving freight planning to meet modern needs to building stronger infrastructure, are led by women researchers.
On International Women’s Day, CAIT took the time to recognize some of these women leaders in transportation research, and their recent work. Watch a recording of the seminar above to learn more and hear from: Ms. Anne Strauss-Wieder, Director of Freight Planning at the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority; Dr. Melissa Tooley, Director of External Initiatives at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute; and Dr. Maria Garlock, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Co-Director of the Program in Architecture and Engineering at Princeton University.