New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy recently announced the formation of a statewide council of leaders from various industry, community, and faith-based groups and institutions across New Jersey to [...]
The 110-year-old Portal North Bridge carries approximately 450 trains and 200,000 passengers on an average day, and is in need of repair. CAIT helped to secure new funding from FRA
Rutgers researchers provide analysis on the pandemic’s impact on state’s economy through new Rutgers Regional Report published by a CAIT-affiliated researcher. New Jersey lost more than twice the [...]
ARA was selected as a contractor to provide program support and engineering services to the FHWA’s Office of Bridges and Structures and National Geotechnical Team. CAIT has teamed up with
In June UTC partners at Cornell’s Local Roads Program will host a free webinar on low-volume roadway pavements and how to use a new software they have developed to help
CAIT Update, June 20202020-06-102020-06-10 CAIT
Page last updated on June 10, 2020
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