FHWA posted the Low-Cost Safety Improvements video series on YouTube. You can post the videos on social media and share them in presentations.

 All videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/USDOTFHWA/videos

 Video-specific links:

1.       Enhanced delineation on horizontal curves – Basic signing improvements such as advance warning signs, speed plaques, and chevrons alert drivers of upcoming curves and can reduce fatal crashes up to 44 percent. Find out how enhanced delineation at curves is saving lives in Pennsylvania.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4riUd1MJ5Yw

2.       For Unpaved Roads – More than 80 percent of the fatal crashes on unpaved roads in 2017 were single vehicle crashes. Drivers run off the road and either rollover or strike a fixed object such as a tree or utility pole. Learn what low-cost safety strategies were used to improve unpaved roads in North and South Dakota. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Llkiz8cEH8  

3.       Speed Management Techniques – When speeding leads to crashes in rural towns they can be severe or fatal because it takes extra time for emergency services to arrive. Researchers at the Institute of Transportation at Iowa State University partnered with FHWA to study low-cost speed management techniques in five rural Iowa communities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N41pJP0HTh0  

4.       For Walking and Biking – More than 6,000 pedestrians are killed each year along roadways. See how a small town in Oregon and a tribe in Washington are improving safety for pedestrians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP-nce7bVEg  

5.       Systemic Approach for Stop-Controlled Intersections – Alerting drivers to the presence and types of approaching intersections with signs and pavement markings can reduce the frequency and severity of crashes. Learn how South Carolina used the systemic approach to complete 80 projects for the price of one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zghd9qUtFgs

6.       Longitudinal Pavement Markings – Pavement markings are one of the least expensive countermeasures available for improving safety and can reduce crashes by 15 percent. Agencies should consider installing center lines and edge lines even where they are not required and may try adopting 6-inch edge lines rather than the standard 4-inch.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTOsIqaG_0A