The impacts of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the transportation system are being widely felt in all modes and economic sectors, including aviation, transit, goods movement, highways, rail and maritime. Public agencies at the federal, state and local levels with stewardship and regulatory responsibilities over all transportation modes are scrambling to understand the current and potential impacts to operations, workforce, supply chains, and the traveling public. Private sector operators and service providers are looking to the government and science-based institutions for guidance as well. All are seeking relevant research findings, research in progress, case studies, data sets, and research needs statements that meet the challenges of the moment and into the future.
Given the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) leadership position and reach into the largest transportation researcher and practitioner pool in the world, we are responding to this urgent need for the rapid dissemination of existing research, research in progress, research needs, and the current state of understanding with respect to Transportation and Pandemics. TRB recognizes that individuals from our communities of research and practice, many of whom are involved with TRB standing committees, are on the front lines of transportation research and practice as our society experiences and reacts to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In order to leverage the expertise and on-going work of the researchers and practitioners in our communities, TRB is launching two platforms and issuing a special topical call for work related to Transportation and Pandemics.
OPPORTUNITY 1: TRR Practical Pipeline: Topical Call – Transportation and Pandemics: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
TRB and Sage Publishing have created the TRR Practical Pipeline. This platform is designed to receive, index, and disseminate unpublished research, making it readily findable and widely available via sophisticated search engine optimization. In the publication community, this is more colloquially known as a “pre-print server”.
Document types acceptable for the platform include:
- unpublished research / case studies
- research in progress
- abstract descriptions referencing relevant data sets
TRB invites its research and practitioner communities to submit and tag research specifically related to Transportation and Pandemics. Example relevant topics are included at the end of this e-mail.
Submission instructions for the TRB Practical Pipeline
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