Development of Vehicle Fleet Mix Forecast Models for Life-cycle Cost Forecast for Tunnel Ventilation Systems

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CAIT project no.: CAIT-UTC-NC59

Fiscal Year: 2017/2018

Status: Final

Principal investigator(s): Weihong “Grace” Guo, Ph.D.

Performing organization(s): Rutgers CAIT

Managing organization: Rutgers CAIT

In cooperation with: Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
Partner project manager: Robert Kumapley, Asset Management Office

Supported by: USDOT OST-R

UTC, grant, or agreement no.: DTRT13-G-UTC28


The objective of this research is to provide tunnel ventilation systems owners and the Port Authority of NY & NJ with a vehicle fleet mix forecast model that will enable realistic and practical long-term forecasts of the life-cycle costs of tunnel ventilation systems, and help optimize the performance of tunnel ventilation systems during normal operation as well as emergency incidents. This project could be groundbreaking, since the unintended benefits of mixed vehicle fleets (zero emission + Hybrid + regular emission) and their impact on tunnel ventilation systems has yet to be studied.

In order to bring the results of this research to tunnel ventilation systems owners in the NY/NJ region and nationwide, a guidebook or similar publication will be produced. With application of the developed models, a traditional or online training program will be arranged for professionals. A webinar on the procedures, results, and recommendations from this research is also anticipated to broaden the impacts of this research to the general public. The guidebook and training program will be prepared and organized by CAIT. The webinar can be organized at CAIT and expanded to professional societies such as ASCE and IISE.