Transportation Safety Resource Center (TSRC) 2007

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CAIT project no.: 207 RU6052

Fiscal Year: 2007/2008

Status: Final

Rutgers-CAIT Author(s): Ali Maher

External Author(s): Patricia Ott



The center will strive to assist NJDOT in their efforts to improve highway safety by creating a new core program that consolidates existing efforts championed by both the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

The TSRC will provide services to the NJDOT Division of Traffic Engineering and Safety Programs, along with technical support on merging specialized data sources with the New Jersey Crash Records System. More Specifically the TSRC will partner with the NJDOT to develop and deliver training programs and technical assistance programs to supply the locals with the preliminary analysis of crash data using advanced decision support systems.

The TSRC will also provide support to the New Jersey Safety Conscious Planning (SCP) Network that has been established between NJDOT and the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO). Research and Technical support will also be provided to NJDOT with the efforts to establish a comprehensive Safety Management System (SMS) which will integrate existing and yet to be identified databases involving both traditional and non-traditional stakeholders.

The center will be focused on assisting locals with developing safety solutions that meet the “tier one” or quick fix/low cost projects. By using the resources of the center, the local users will package and present their problems to NJDOT along with potential solutions. This will then allow for a much more efficient and objective response from the NJDOT.