Course Description: This course will review basic concepts in probability and statistics and their application in designing traffic control features and regulating traffic. The course
Course Description: This course will introduce how to improve safety by developing and implementing an action plan. We will discuss local road safety plans, an
Course Description: This course reviews the basic regulations and engineering guidelines for the installation of pavement markings and properly establishing and posting regulatory, warning, and
Course Description: This course provides participants with: A basic understanding of intersection safety issues “How to” information for common safety tasks and low-cost safety improvements
Course Description: This multi-module training workshop will cover the full range of snow and ice removal and control, including program development, planning, pre-season activities, in-season
Course Description: Are you the recipient of Federal-aid funds through the New Jersey Department of Transportation Division of Local Aid and Economic Development? NJDOT and/or
Course Description: Using a multi-discipline approach, first responders in New Jersey will learn how to operate more efficiently and act collectively. The training covers topics
Course Description: This course will review basic concepts in probability and statistics and their application in designing traffic control features and regulating traffic. The course
Course Description: This webinar introduces the Federal Highway Administration Every Day Counts concept to Local Public Agencies, specifically geared towards public works and road department [...]
Course Description: Using a multi-discipline approach, first responders in New Jersey will learn how to operate more efficiently and act collectively. The training covers topics