The Together North Jersey (TNJ) region faces mounting environmental challenges, including loss of natural and agricultural land, vulnerability to flooding, and the far-ranging impacts of climate change on our economy, infrastructure, health and natural resources. Local plans, programs and policies play a major role in addressing these challenges and promoting and protecting quality of life for current and future generations.

This toolkit explains how municipalities and counties should plan for and implement an environmentally sustainable and resilient future through their master plans. The TNJ Resilient Task Force developed the toolkit to help communities advance the TNJ vision for a Competitive, Efficient, Livable and Resilient region.

Within the toolkit, you will find:

  • Information on planning best practices
  • Guidance on how to ensure people of all backgrounds enjoy the benefits of environmental sustainability and resilience
  • Effective sustainability and resilience solutions for your community’s consideration
  • Resources available to support local planning efforts

Download the toolkit here