Course Description: This 1-day workshop will cover the current guide rail and barrier curb construction details in the NJDOT Standard Roadway Construction Details regarding their
Course Description: This 2-day workshop will cover the current design guidelines in Section 8 of the NJDOT Roadway Design Manual for guide rail design and
Course Description: This course is for municipal, county, and State employees and those that work with them who are involved in the planning, inspecting, and
Course Description: Pavement Management Systems provides the basics for developing a pavement management system to help local, county and State governments manage their pavement network
Course Description: This course provides participants with: A basic understanding of intersection safety issues “How to” information for common safety tasks and low-cost safety improvements
Course Description: This 1-day workshop will cover the current guide rail and barrier curb construction details in the NJDOT Standard Roadway Construction Details regarding their
Course Description: This 2-day workshop will cover the current design guidelines in Section 8 of the NJDOT Roadway Design Manual for guide rail design and
Course Description: This course is for municipal, county, and State employees and those that work with them who are involved in the planning, inspecting, and
Researchers will investigate the use of steel slag and its potential to help decarbonize the nation’s transportation sector. Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) [...]
*The 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) was released December 18, 2023, and went into effect January 18, 2024. We are