The national Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) is a network of centers—one in every state and Puerto Rico.

LTAP centers help local agencies improve their roads and bridges by serving as an information clearinghouse and supplying them with a variety of training programs, technology updates, newsletters, and personalized technical assistance. Through these core services, LTAP centers provide much-needed, centralized, easily accessible training and resources, including:

  • Workforce development classes and training
  • Resources to enhance safety and security
  • Solutions to environmental, congestion, capacity, and other issues
  • Technical publications, training videos, and materials

The State of New Jersey’s LTAP (NJLTAP) is based at Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation. The program is jointly funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT). NJLTAP provides professional development opportunities to local public agencies and consultants conducting work on their behalf. NJLTAP trains approximately 6,000 transportation professionals annually in nearly 100 different courses and workshops sponsored by the FHWA and NJDOT.


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September 2024

closeup of asphalt pavement and yellow lines

NJLTAP - Traffic Engineering Studies (In-Person)

  • September 23
  • 8:30 am–12:30 pm

This course will review basic concepts in probability and statistics and their application in designing traffic control features and regulating traffic. 


NJLTAP - Federal-aid Responsible Charge Training (Webinar)

  • September 25September 26
  • 9:00 am–12:00 pm

This Federal-Aid Responsible Charge Training for Directors, Program Managers,  Financial Officers, and Persons of Responsible Charge is required for the person in Responsible Charge of Federally Funded Local Aid projects. This course will provide information and expectations for the first time Federal-aid recipient

traffic signal skybackground

NJLTAP - Commonsense Solutions for Intersection Problems (In-Person)

  • September 30
  • 8:30 am–4:00 pm

This course provides participants with (1) a basic understanding of intersection safety issues, (2) “how to” information for common safety tasks and low cost safety improvements that do not require an engineered design, and (3) background information on safety tasks that do not require an engineer.

October 2024


NJLTAP - Federal-aid Responsible Charge Training (In-Person)

  • October 3
  • 8:30 am–4:00 pm

This Federal-Aid Responsible Charge Training for Directors, Program Managers,  Financial Officers, and Persons of Responsible Charge is required for the person in Responsible Charge of Federally Funded Local Aid projects. This course will provide information and expectations for the first time Federal-aid recipient


NJLTAP - Introduction to Crash Analysis and Design Exception (In-Person)

  • October 15
  • 8:30 am–12:30 pm

This new workshop is for public agency personnel and consultants working on their behalf to gain an understanding of crash analysis tools and methods.

large audience attending a workshop in the CAIT auditorium

NJLTAP - Construction and Project Cost Estimating for Public Works Projects (In-Perso

  • October 21
  • 8:30 am–3:30 pm

This course provides an understanding of practical applications for performing estimates on typical construction and maintenance projects. Various mathematical rules necessary to perform basic computations and formulas to perform cost and quantity calculations are reviewed.

safety attenuator truck on highway road project at night

Traffic Control Coordinator Refresher (Webinar)

  • October 25
  • 8:00 am–12:00 pm

If you want to work on NJDOT-funded infrastructure projects and haven't taken a refresher in two years, better sign up now. Course covers MUTCD, info on keeping workers safe, new NJDOT safety specs, and other federal and state regulations/changes.


**Class Full** NJLTAP - Guidelines for Guide Rail and Median Barrier Design (In-Perso

  • October 30October 31
  • 9:00 am–3:00 pm

This 2-day workshop will cover the current design guidelines in Section 8 of the NJDOT Roadway Design Manual, covering clear zone, warranting obstructions, guide rail height, clearance from traveled way, rubrail, reduced post spacing at obstructions, guide rail at structures, and more.

November 2024


NJLTAP - Guide Rail and Median Barrier Inspection (In-Person)

  • November 4
  • 9:30 am–3:00 pm

This 1-day workshop will cover the current guide rail and barrier curb construction details in the NJDOT Standard Roadway Construction Details regarding their proper inspection.


NJLTAP - Federal-aid Responsible Charge Training (Webinar)

  • November 6November 7
  • 9:00 am–12:00 pm

This Federal-Aid Responsible Charge Training for Directors, Program Managers,  Financial Officers, and Persons of Responsible Charge is required for the person in Responsible Charge of Federally Funded Local Aid projects. This course will provide information and expectations for the first time Federal-aid recipient

freshly paved road

NJLTAP - Principles of Paving (In-Person)

  • November 12
  • 8:30 am–4:00 pm

This course is for municipal or county employees and those that work with them who are involved in the planning, inspecting and placing of asphalt pavements. The course will provide the information needed to properly plan and monitor a hot mix asphalt paving project.

NJLTAP - Local Road Safety Plans (In-Person)

  • November 13
  • 8:30 am–12:30 pm

This webinar will introduce attendees to the Local Road Safety Plan initiative (LRSP), a process designed by FHWA to help local public agencies (LPAs) strategically plan for and deploy proven safety countermeasures on their local road systems. Register to learn more about how an having an LRSP can help you!

December 2024


NJLTAP - Traffic Incident Management (Webinar)

  • December 4
  • 8:00 am–12:00 pm

The training covers topics including TIM guidelines, fundamentals, and terminology; notifications and scene size up; scene safety and risk management; traffic management; special circumstances; clearance; and termination.


NJLTAP - Basic Math and Plan Reading (In-Person)

  • December 5
  • 8:30 am–12:30 pm

This course provides a refresher on basic math skills related to construction inspection and road maintenance, as well as how to locate information within a set of plans. Topics will include reading notes, determining quantities and understanding topography, basic Geometry, area and volume. Road Foreman, Inspectors and Cre

pedestrian crossing sign and road markings

NJLTAP - Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings (In-Person)

  • December 9
  • 8:30 am–12:30 pm

This course reviews the basic regulations and engineering guidelines for the installation of pavement markings and properly establishing and posting regulatory, warning, and guide signs. If you are looking to better understand the concepts and principles behind signage, register today!

safety attenuator truck on highway road project at night

Traffic Control Coordinator Refresher (Webinar)

  • December 12
  • 8:00 am–12:00 pm

If you want to work on NJDOT-funded infrastructure projects and haven't taken a refresher in two years, better sign up now. Course covers MUTCD, info on keeping workers safe, new NJDOT safety specs, and other federal and state regulations/changes.

This course will review basic concepts in probability and statistics and their application in designing traffic control features and regulating traffic. 
This Federal-Aid Responsible Charge Training for Directors, Program Managers,  Financial Officers, and Persons of Responsible Charge is required for the person in Responsible Charge of Federally Funded Local Aid projects. This course will provide information and expectations for the first time Federal-aid recipient
This course provides participants with (1) a basic understanding of intersection safety issues, (2) “how to” information for common safety tasks and low cost safety improvements that do not require an engineered design, and (3) background information on safety tasks that do not require an engineer.