NJLTAP Director’s Message
The New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program (NJLTAP) has partnered with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), New Jersey Division Office and the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) to develop a series of half-day workshops focused on the FHWA Proven Safety Countermeasures, and the funding available for improvements to the local system. Both the NJDOT Bureau of Safety, Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs and the Division of Local Aid and Economic Development are part of the workshop instructional team, along with representatives from the three Metropolitan Planning Organizations.
The target audience of the pilot workshops are NJDOT staff, MPO staff, and county and municipal personnel with engineering, planning, and design responsibilities. The workshop objectives include:
- Improving awareness of safety countermeasures from an engineering and design perspective
- Gaining working knowledge of where to appropriately deploy safety countermeasures
- Increase awareness of funding opportunities to support the implementation of proven safety countermeasures
The first workshop was held in the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization (SJTPO) region and the second in the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority region. The third and final of the three pilot workshops will be on March 18th in Burlington County, hosted by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission. There are still seats available in that class. Registration is available through NJLTAP here.
We believe widespread implementation of several of the Proven Safety Countermeasures would improve safety for all road users and can serve to accelerate the achievement of New Jersey’s safety goals.
Development and pilot of the workshop was sponsored through an Accelerating Safety Activities Program grant through the FHWA Office of Safety. After the conclusion of the pilot workshops, the development team will evaluate the course content and ready it for a full roll out within the NJLTAP regular training portfolio.