NJLTAP Director’s Message

The New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program (NJLTAP) team recognizes that you and your agencies are being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and we are aggressively seeking ways to continue to provide services during this time. While in-person training has been postponed for the next couple of months, there are online learning opportunities available to you. The timing of this pandemic has caused many large educational events to be canceled or postponed. These include the TransAction conference (postponed to October), the Public Works EXPO (postponed to August), the National LTAP-NTTD Conference (canceled), the Annual NACE Conference (canceled), and NJ Public Works Continuing Education Conference (not yet re-scheduled).
We have moved several of our workshops from traditional classroom training to webinars in order to reach our stakeholders. This has also allowed us to reach people outside of New Jersey without impacting access to our locals. There is a calendar of events posted by the National Local Technical Assistance Program Association (NLTAPA) that features additional webinars that may be hosted by other state LTAP centers, but are open to you. You may find them here: http://nltapa.org/calendar Please follow the instructions for registration for each event.
Over the next several weeks, we will continue to offer webinars for you. These offer PDH and CPWM credit when appropriate. The NJLTAP webinars are available to you at no charge, just as the in-person training would have been.  As always, our events are posted at: https://cait.rutgers.edu/events/
Here are some additional resources we would like to share with you:
National Highway Institute: Some training is free of charge- check out “web based training”.


American Public Works Association: Free Click, Listen & Learn webinars for members.


AASHTO TC3 courses: Local public agencies can create accounts for access to free web-based training.


FHWA Innovation Exchange Webinars On Demand: No charge.


We hope that we will soon be able to resume in-person training to meet your needs. In the interim, we are continuing to address technical assistance inquiries, publish our E-News, and develop guidance materials to assist you. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to us an newjsereyltap@gmail.com If you would like to add someone to our email distribution list please send a note to us at that email address as well. We wish you all to be in good health and spirits and look forward to seeing you again soon.