This international conference focuses on state-of-the-art and "next-gen" NDE technologies, advanced modeling, and best practices. Researchers, manufacturers, service providers, bridge/highway owners, and those actively training, validating, and standardizing NDE for infrastructure should attend.
Rapid-repair cements are a hot research topic and are being used across the industry to reduce construction times. This seminar gives an overview of various types of rapid-repair cement materials, their chemistry, uses, durability, and constructability.
This full-day symposium is designed for industry and agency stakeholders to build relationships with researchers and identify opportunities to collaborate. It is the second CEE…
Managing Winters Operations/Snow and Ice Control requires that those involved have a broad and diverse knowledge base. The ability to plan and prepare, train available staff and to make quick critical decisions are requirements of a successful Manager/Supervisor involved in Winter Operations/Snow and Ice Control.
This demonstration is to provide an overview on the Crash Analysis Tool and how to use it. The 3-hour window will provide for a brief demonstration of the tool, as well as one-on-one assistance to create and save queries for future use.
Presented by Jerry A. DiMaggio at Rutgers CAIT, this 2-day course will outline the best practices for dealing with poor ground conditions at the job site. DiMaggio will demonstrate more than 50 modern ground improvement methods that can used in various forms of urban construction.
Join us at the 21st Annual NJDOT Research Showcase! This is a wonderful opportunity for the New Jersey transportation community to learn about the broad scope of academic research initiatives underway and share technology transfer activities being conducted by institutions of higher education partners and their associates.
Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian is a Federal Highway Administration Every Day Counts initiative designed to provide an overview of the pedestrian safety crossing problem and provide resources for addressing it. The “Spectacular 7” safety treatments to address pedestrian safety crossing problems will be reviewed.
This course highlights the benefits of modern roundabouts and gives participants the fundamental knowledge needed to plan and consider applying roundabout intersection projects in their area.
This demonstration is to provide an overview on the Crash Analysis Tool and how to use it. The 3-hour window will provide for a brief demonstration of the tool, as well as one-on-one assistance to create and save queries for future use.