Advanced Testing and Modeling of Dredged Sediments for Beneficial Use

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CAIT project no.: CAIT-UTC-REG76

Fiscal Year: 2021/2022

Status: In Progress

Principal investigator(s): Tyler Oathes, Ph.D. (PI), Rutgers, The State University

Performing organization(s): Rutgers CAIT

Managing organization: Rutgers CAIT

In cooperation with: New Jersey Department of Transportation
Partner project manager: Scott Douglas, Dredging Program Manager, Office of Maritime Resources

Supported by: USDOT-OST-R

UTC, grant, or agreement no.: 69A3551847102


The primary goal of this proposal is to develop modeling approaches for the beneficial use of raw and stabilized sediments in engineering applications. First, a robust material characterization and strength laboratory testing program will be performed on specimens of raw and stabilized dredged sediments. These results will then serve as reference data for developing different approaches for modeling the sediments using a variety of methodologies ranging from analytical solutions to nonlinear finite difference analyses. Approaches will be developed for a range of potential beneficial uses that require varying levels of engineering performance and modeling breadth. These modeling approaches will be used to develop guidance for modeling sediments for different beneficial uses (i.e., non-structural fill versus structural fill) in practice.

The intended outcome of the project is to provide guidance and methodology for modeling sediments in engineering applications using approaches tailored to different beneficial uses.