Assessing and Mitigating Transportation Infrastructure Vulnerability to Coastal Storm Events with the Convergence of Advanced Spatial Analysis, Infrastructure Modeling, and Storm Surge Simulations
CAIT project no.: CAIT-UTC-REG34
Fiscal Year: 2018/2019
Status: Final
Principal investigator(s): Jie Gong, Ph.D., Rutgers
Performing organization(s): Rutgers CAIT
Managing organization: Rutgers CAIT
In cooperation with: Monmouth County Sheriff's Office
Partner project manager: Michael Oppegaard, Emergency Management Coordinator
Supported by: USDOT-OST-R
UTC, grant, or agreement no.: 69A3551847102
To protect the security of the public transportation infrastructure and the enormous amount of public assets, the proposed study intends to develop a decision support tool that can assist infrastructure stakeholders in making decisions at the day-to-day operation level (i.e. evacuation or shutting down of roads and bridges) to protect communities from impeding flooding events as well as in making long-term decisions in mitigating future flood risks facing their current infrastructure assets and their future projects (in particular those related to storm surge and extreme rainfall events). The expected outcome of this study is new software applications that are built for infrastructure resilience centered investigations. The software applications will be cloud-based which will allow infrastructure stakeholders such as DOT personnel, floodplain managers, and OEM coordinators to access and use it without any local installations on their computers.