Cloud-Based Virtual Traffic Sensor Network with 511 CCTV Traffic Video Stream

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CAIT project no.: CAIT-UTC-NC56

Fiscal Year: 2017/2018

Status: Final

Principal investigator(s): Peter J. Jin, Ph.D.

Performing organization(s): Rutgers CAIT

Managing organization: Rutgers CAIT

In cooperation with: TRANSCOM
Partner project manager: Steve Levine, Executive Director

In cooperation with: New Jersey Department of Transportation
Partner project manager: Salvatore Cowan

Supported by: USDOT OST-R

UTC, grant, or agreement no.: DTRT13-G-UTC28


The proposed research will develop a cloud-computing platform for state-wide traffic video data analytics. The platform will use the existing 511 CCTV traffic video streams to generate traffic flow and occupancy data to enrich the existing TRANSCOM data feed primarily containing travel time and event data. The added flow and occupancy data will enable a wide range of transportation network monitoring and management solutions for NJDOT’s transportation system management and operations (TSM&O) including active traffic and demand management (ATDM), real-time signal performance measurement (RT-SPM) toolboxes, and network optimization and simulation.

It is expected that the research will generate enriched TRANSCOM XML data feeds with added fields for volume and occupancy data. In addition, a data interface will be developed to use the resulting traffic flow and occupancy data to generate detector and event logs for the real-time signal performance measure (RT-SPM) system.