Infrastructure Cybersecurity and Emergency Preparedness Academic and Non-academic Credential Development

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CAIT project no.: CAIT-UTC-REG20

Fiscal Year: 2018/2019

Status: Final

Principal investigator(s): Barbara Christe, Ph.D.

Performing organization(s): SUNY-Farmingdale State College

Managing organization: Rutgers CAIT

In cooperation with: New Jersey Department of Transportation
Partner project manager: Michael Moran, Statewide Incident Management Program

Supported by: USDOT OST-R

UTC, grant, or agreement no.: 69A3551847102


The risks associated with infrastructure are clearly identified but training to minimize the impact of these challenges is sparsely available or lacking in related content.  This project will design and establish academic credentials as well as non-credit short courses that will prepare participants to assess, mitigate and plan for vulnerabilities related to transportation hubs.  This project will complete an overarching environmental scan to design and establish two academic certificates with interwoven non-academic workforce training components that address infrastructure cybersecurity and emergency preparedness.