Investigation of Balanced Mixture Design for New York State Asphalt Mixtures

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CAIT project no.: CAIT-UTC-REG25

Fiscal Year: 2018/2019

Status: In Progress

Principal investigator(s): Thomas Bennert, Ph.D.

Performing organization(s): Rutgers CAIT

Managing organization: Rutgers CAIT

In cooperation with: New York State Department of Transportation
Partner project manager: Zoeb Zavery, Manager of Asphalt Materials

In cooperation with: New Jersey Department of Transportation
Partner project manager: Stevenson Ganthier, Manager of Asphalt Materials

Supported by: USDOT-OST-R

UTC, grant, or agreement no.: 69A3551847102


Current asphalt design procedures are solely based on volumetric principles and lack a valid methodology to ensure performance of the asphalt mixture considered during design.  This research focuses on a state of the art practice called Balanced Mixture Design (BMD), where the gradation and optimum asphalt content are not solely selected by the volumetrics of the mixture, but by the rutting and fatigue cracking resistance.  The objectives of the study are to:

  1. Evaluate the current performance of NYSDOT asphalt mixtures across the state;
  2. Redesign the asphalt mixtures utilizing the BMD methodology; and
  3. Recommend performance tests and finalize a design procedure methodology for NYSDOT adoption and implementation.

Training and specifications around the new design method will be developed and implemented within the NY State. In addition, the impact of cost savings of the new design will be assessed using a performance-cost analysis.