CAIT project no.: CAIT-UTC-REG11
Fiscal Year: 2018/2019
Status: Final
Principal investigator(s): David P. Orr, Ph.D., Cornell University
Performing organization(s): Cornell University, Local Roads Program
Managing organization: Rutgers CAIT
In cooperation with: NY State County Highway Superintendents Assoc.
Partner project manager: Dennis Davis (Oneida County); Andy Avery, P.E. (Chemung County)
Supported by: USDOT OST-R
UTC, grant, or agreement no.: 69A3551847102
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop a simple to use tool that would allow local agencies to develop a mechanistic-empirical design for lower volume (<1,000 vpd) highways. The primary focus would be on pavement overlays and rehabilitation. The current tools available use older empirical-only methodologies, or require overly complicated data inputs. This requires working with local agencies to understand their capacity for data collection; determination of the critical factors that can be accounted for by a local agency; factors that are not available and need to be set up as defaults; and the allowable error of a local pavement design.