CAIT project no.: 194 RU8486
Fiscal Year: 2006/2007
Status: Final
Rutgers-CAIT Author(s): Thomas Bennert, Ph.D., Nicholas Vitillo, Ph.D., Patrick Szary, Ph.D. and Nenad Gucunski, Ph.D.
External Author(s): Sue Gresavage
The primary objective of the 2006 RPRC program is to utilize the extensive laboratory and field pavement testing equipment and staff expertise of the Rutgers Pavement Resource Program to assist the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) in developing a pavement program that optimizes network condition with available capital resources.
The primary goals of this project include the enhancement of the NJDOT’s Pavement Management System and ongoing support for implementation of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) as needed to support the Department’s $280 million FY07 pavement investment.
The condition of New Jersey’s pavement has declined steadily over the past decade as available resources have been consumed by other needs. The significant backlog of pavement maintenance has resulted in significant increase in vehicle operating costs to NJ motorists, reportedly twice the national average. A new approach to pavement management utilizing leading edge technology is needed to help restore New Jersey’s highway infrastructure to a state of good repair with available resources.
The Rutgers Pavement Resource Program is an extension of the NJDOT Pavement Technology Unit and functions as the primary research and technology arm. It is organized to rapidly respond to the Department’s need for implementation of advanced pavement engineering and asset management technologies. The products identified in this proposal will include asset management tools, database design, data processing and data storage systems, material testing and evaluation, validation and implementation of new technologies, methodologies and materials. The program will work closely with NJDOT staff and its consultants to fulfill its mission.