Pavement Resource Program 2008

Download Final Report

CAIT project no.: 229-RU0473

Fiscal Year: 2008/2009

Status: Final

Rutgers-CAIT Author(s): Thomas Bennert, Ph.D., Nicholas Vitillo, Ph.D., Patrick Szary, Ph.D. and Nenad Gucunski, Ph.D.

External Author(s): Sue Gresavage, NJDOT

Sponsor(s): New Jersey Department of Transportation


The primary objective of the Rutgers Pavement Resource Program (PRP) is to use the extensive laboratory and field
pavement testing equipment and staff expertise of PRP in all aspects of pavement engineering to assist the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Pavement and Drainage Management Systems Unit in developing pavement management system strategies, innovative materials, improved pavement design tools, and advanced laboratory and field data collection equipment aimed at enhancing network condition by optimizing available capital resources.

The primary goals of the current program are to:

  1. Enhance the Department’s Pavement Management System
  2. Develop and implement an advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) system to supplement inventory
    information of state highway pavement structures
  3. Assist in the planning, design, construction and management of a NJDOT ride quality facility for the certification
    of equipment utilized by NJDOT, consultants and contractors for construction contract pay adjustments
  4. Provide ongoing support for implementation of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design on an as needed basis
    to support the Department’s $225 million annual paving program
  5. Develop a NJ-LTPP program to assess the pavements designed with the new M-E Pavement and Design Guide
    (MEPDG) to determine the “as constructed” level 1 inputs for the MEPDG and enhance the predicted pavement
    performance models for 00, top down and bottom up cracking and rutting
  6. Provide technical support and data collection to support the developing and NJDOT unofficial “Quiet Pavement
    Policy” developed by the Pavement Technologies Group.