Dr. Matthew Bandelt
Emerging and innovative concrete materials such as Ultra-High Performance Concrete can help address construction, durability, and maintenance challenges facing transportation infrastructure today. During a recent episode of the Structural Engineering Podcast Channel, UTC partner at NJIT and CAIT-affiliated researcher Dr. Matthew Bandelt was interviewed about his work with this innovative material and its many applications.
Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) is an advanced concrete material with high performing mechanical properties that offers advantages such as high strength, improved durability, and increased speed of construction compared to some traditional materials.
Due to its potential as a solution for improving infrastructure durability and other benefits, transportation agencies have been rapidly deploying emerging concrete materials such as UHPC and investigating its different applications.
Dr. Matthew Bandelt, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and an affiliated researcher at the Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT), tests and uses UHPC and other emerging concretes in his research.
He was recently interviewed by the Structural Engineering Podcast Channel to talk about his work as well as related projects testing concrete materials in partnership with CAIT through the University Transportation Center (UTC) program. He discussed his work testing and evaluating these materials to better understand how they perform in the field, and more.
Listen to the podcast and read more here.
One of these new projects with CAIT, Comparative Analysis of Rapid Chloride Penetration Testing for Novel Reinforced Concrete Systems, is investigating how novel concrete materials such as ductile concrete systems and recycled aggregate concrete behave in rapid chloride environments.
The project is designed to support transportation agencies in making more informed decisions while selecting and implementing novel concrete materials such as UHPC to improve durability of the transportation infrastructure.