*The 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) was released December 18, 2023, and went into effect January 18, 2024. We are
Course Description: This course is specifically being offered to New Jersey municipal and county public works and utilities participants who require an overview of working
NJ TRANSIT announced construction is officially 50 percent complete on this critical project supporting the Gateway Program and service along the Northeast Corridor. In August 2022 NJ TRANSIT [...]
*The 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) was released December 18, 2023, and went into effect January 18, 2024. We are
Course Description: This course provides participants with: a basic understanding of intersection safety issues “how to” information for common safety tasks and low-cost safety improvements
Course Description: This course is designed specifically for project engineers, project inspectors, supervisors and those in responsible charge of Federal-aid construction projects. It presents [...]
Course Description: Pavement Management Systems provides the basics for developing a pavement management system to help local, county and State governments manage their pavement network
Course Description: This course is designed specifically for project engineers, project inspectors, supervisors and those in responsible charge of Federal-aid construction projects. It presents [...]
The project will enhance pipeline inspection and maintenance through advanced modeling, data analytics, and remote sensing technologies. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) [...]