Passenger Flow Modeling and Simulation in Transit Stations

Download Final Report

CAIT project no.: CAIT-UTC-REG26

Fiscal Year: 2018/2019

Status: Final

Principal investigator(s): Xiang Liu, Ph.D., Rutgers

Performing organization(s): Rutgers CAIT

Managing organization: Rutgers CAIT

In cooperation with: NJ Transit Corporation
Partner project manager: Brad Mason, Director, Capital Resiliency and Continuity

Supported by: USDOT-OST-R

UTC, grant, or agreement no.: 69A3551847102


Passenger flow is a very important parameter for understanding how passengers interact with built infrastructure. The primary goal of this proposal is to model and simulate passenger flows in transit stations using computer vision and agent-based simulation technologies.

The information generated during the performance of this project can potentially be used by NJ Transit to understand the benefit of infrastructure design or upgrade in terms of changing passenger flow and reducing congestion.