This fall, CAIT hosted multiple guests for tours of its Rutgers Asphalt Pavement Lab and other innovative labs and facilities on campus. From stakeholders at transportation agencies throughout [...]
At the 24th Annual NJDOT Research Showcase on Oct. 26th, Rutgers student Xiao Chen won the 2022 Outstanding University Student in Transportation Research Award for his work on the NJDOT
Dr. Jie Gong gave a 3-hour course earlier this fall on statewide infrastructure resilience to storms, flooding, and other natural disasters. Much of his recent research has focused on collecting
A Bridge Management System (BMS) helps agencies manage their infrastructure assets efficiently, justify funding, provide credibility to the program, and meet state and Federal requirements.
Ship channel managers regularly have to schedule maintenance and dredging activities in order to keep channels clear from sand, debris, and trash. Delays in dredging can trigger increased risks, the
Approximately 30 “MSc in Shipping” students, along with faculty from the Department of Maritime Studies, visited the US for tours of shipping and port organizations such as the Port Authority
Working with the University of the Virgin Islands, Rutgers CAIT researchers have developed a Flood Risk and Resilience Analysis Tool that can be used to quantitatively assess and visualize risk