Mihalis (Mike) Gkolias, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Civil EngineeringUniversity of Memphis
University of Memphis
3815 Central Avenue
Memphis , TN 38152
Mihalis M. Golias is an assistant professor with the department of civil engineering at the University of Memphis. He holds a Diploma of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2001) from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and a Graduate Diploma (2004), M.S. (2004), and Ph.D. (2007) in transportation engineering from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Upon completion of his graduate studies he worked as a senior research associate with the Freight and Maritime Program at Rutgers’ Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation under the direction of Prof. Maria Boilé and Prof. Sotiris Theofanis.
His core expertise lies in the field of freight and maritime transportation with a focus on freight intermodal terminal operations. His recent research work includes container terminal operations; optimization based evolutionary and memetic meta-heuristics; drayage operations modeling; intermodal freight network modeling; traffic congestion and travel time reliability; ITS assisted operational strategies to relieve truck-traffic related externalities; scheduling and routing of commercial vehicles to reduce related vehicle mileage; and capital and operational network improvements to increase transportation efficiency.