Mohammad Jalayer, Ph.D., M.ITE, A.M.ASCE
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental EngineeringRowan University
Rowan University
201 Mullica Rd, Rowan Hall Rm 234
Glassboro, NJ 08028
Mohammad Jalayer, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at Rowan University. He has more than nine years of experience in traffic engineering and has been deeply involved in research related to traffic operations and safety, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and access management.
Over the last six years, he contributed to seven major projects contracted with Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT), New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), and the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA).
Jalayer has authored or coauthored more than 45 scholarly articles and papers that have been published in scientific journals and conference proceedings. He also serves as a technical reviewer for more than 15 international peer-reviewed journals.
Jalayer was the first-place winner of the 2016 National Highway Safety Information System (HSIS) Research Paper competition, which is jointly administrated by the Federal Highway Administration and the Institute of Transportation Engineers.
He is an associate member of ASCE Transportation and Development Institute Transportation Safety Committees, a member of ITE and ASCE, and friends of TRB standing committees on safety data, analysis, and evaluation; highway safety performance; roadside safety design; access management; and intelligent transportation systems.
He received a doctorate in civil engineering from Auburn University in 2016.