Matthew P. Adams, Ph.D.
Region 2 UTC Partner, Co-Director of the Materials and Structures Laboratory (MatSLab), Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental EngineeringNew Jersey Institute of Technology
New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights
Newark , NJ 07102-1982
Matthew P. Adams completed his Ph.D. in civil engineering from Oregon State University where he was the Kerneos Aluminate Technologies Graduate Fellow. Prior to his graduate study, Dr. Adams worked as a structural designer for a multidiscipline engineering and design firm in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is an internationally recognized expert on the use of recycled concrete as a replacement for natural aggregate in new concrete, an eco-friendly alternative that conserves natural resources and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with construction.
Dr. Adams was awarded the 2015 Young Member Award for Professional Achievement from the American Concrete Institute. He is also interested in educational initiatives within STEM education, particularly matters of inclusivity and mentoring of young professionals.
Dr. Adams examines the link between the chemistry of cement-based materials and their long-term durability and resiliency. His research interests include early-age properties of concrete and long-term durability, with a specific focus on alternative cements and sustainable concrete materials. His research group is focused on developing scientific understanding of construction materials in order to better understand how they perform in the field. He is experienced in both advanced scientific techniques (X-ray diffraction, ICP-OES, SEM Imaging, energy dispersive x-ray analysis) as well as accelerated laboratory testing and long-term field performance of concrete materials.