Mohsen Jafari, Ph.D.
Program Director , Professor, Industrial and Systems EngineeringRutgers University
CoRE Building, Rutgers University
96 Freelinghuysen Rd
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8018
Mohsen Jafari, Ph.D., is a professor in Rutgers’ Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, program director of CAIT’s Information Management Group, and he oversees the Transportation Safety Resource Center (TSRC), also at CAIT. He is the architect of TSRC’s Plan4Safety, a web-based crash data analysis tool that provides multiple layers of analysis and modeling.
He has served as P.I. and co‐P.I. on many projects relating to national infrastructure improvement that have been funded by federal and state agencies. He has secured more than $12 million in approved grants from various government agencies including the National Science Foundation, FHWA, NJDOT, Metropolitan Transit Authority, and the U.S. departments of defense, energy, and health, as well as industry giants GM, Merck, Siemens, and others.
Jafari has more than 24 years experience in the areas of industrial engineering and operations research. He taught at Syracuse University before coming to Rutgers as an associate professor of industrial engineering in 1993.
He received his MS.C. and Ph.D. in industrial engineering and operations research and holds another MS.C. in computer science from Syracuse University.