Raimondo Betti, Ph.D.
Professor, Civil Engineering and Engineering MechanicsColumbia University
Columbia University
640 SW Mudd, Mail Code 4709
New York, NY 10027
Raimondo Betti is professor and chair of the civil engineering and engineering mechanics department at Columbia University.
He specializes in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering with particular emphasis on the analysis of dynamic soil-structure interaction effects for horizontally-extended structures.
His research interests include the dynamic response of embedded foundations to earthquake excitation, analysis and determination of Green’s functions for homogeneous and layered semi-infinite domains, effects of the spatial variation of ground motion on the seismic response of bridges, active, passive and hybrid control systems for the vibration control of structures subjected to earthquake and/or wind excitation, and damage detection for bridges using data correlation analysis.
Betti is a member of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, the American Society of Civil Engineers, and Sigma Xi. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California.