Affiliated Faculty
University at Buffalo–SUNY
Xiao Liang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Research, Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental EngineeringUniversity at Buffalo–SUNY
University at Buffalo, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
242 Ketter Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
Research Topics
- Infrastructure Systems
- Data Analytics
- Structural Health Monitoring
- Performance-Based Methodologies for Hazard Resilience of Buildings
- Structural Dynamics
- Earthquake Engineering
Recent honors & awards
- Registration Grant for 11NCEE, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), 2018
- Best Poster Award, the Second TBSI Annual Meeting, China, 2017
- Liu Huixian Earthquake Engineering Scholarship Award, 2016
- ICCM Best Young Researcher Paper Award, 2016
- Graduate Division Conference Travel Grant, University of California, Berkeley, 2016, 2017
- Graduate Division Graduate Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley, 2011–2016
Link to Dr. Xiao Liang’s CV