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Rapid-Repair Cements Seminar

  • February 25, 2019
  • 9:00 am–7:00 pm

Rapid repair cement materials are a hot topic in concrete research and are actively being used across the industry to reduce construction times. However, the chemistry of these systems can be quite different from portland cement, and therefore the durability and constructability of concrete made with rapid repair cements is often not well understood.  This seminar provides people who are familiar with standard concrete systems an overview of rapid repair cements, their chemistry, uses, durability concerns, and constructability.

Additional Information

Parking information is provided after registration.

9:00 am

Overview of rapid-repair cements

10:00 am

Portland cement-based rapid-repair cements

11:00 am

Ettringite-based rapid-repair cements

12:30 pm

Lunch break

2:00 pm

Calcium aluminate-based rapid-repair cements

3:00 pm

Laboratory demonstration: Casting with fast-setting cements

5:00 pm–7:00pm

Wrap up, Q&A, and dinner



Edward G. Moffatt, Independent Consultant (left)

Michael Thomas, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of New Brunswick (middle)

Matthew P. Adams, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NJIT (right)




The registration fee includes coffee, lunch, and dinner.


Register Now Deadline: February 15, 2019

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freshly paved roadlarge audience attending a workshop in the CAIT auditorium