Asset Management
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to inspect, inventory, and monitor interchange assets within New Jersey’s road network. The team will use UAS to collect video and photographic data to do preliminary inspections on multiple components of the interchange, including s… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2016/2017 |
One of the most important aspects of a prestressed concrete structure is the distribution of the prestressing force along the structure, both at transfer and in the long term. Time-dependent prestress losses a… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2016/2017 |
100 RU6701 |
The main objective of this study was to calibrate the AASHTO pavement temperature and seasonal adjustment models, or to develop new models. The models were based on New Jersey conditions and also will be used in network- and project-level FWD analysis. For this study, 24 pavement sections were instrumented and a n… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2000/2001 |
166 RU9309 |
Center for Advanced Transportation Infrastructure (CAIT) of Rutgers University is mandated to conduct ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys to update NJDOT’s pavement management system with GPR-measured pavement layer thicknesses. Based on the review of the GPR data currently in the pavement management system, … |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2005/2006 |
229-RU0473 |
The primary objective of the Rutgers Pavement Resource Program (PRP) is to use the extensive laboratory and field |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2008/2009 |
253-RU2311 |
Over 55 million cubic yards of sediment will be removed to create the new channels in the Port of NY/NJ. These new channels must be maintained through periodic dredging to remove accumulated silt. Managers need to predict the amount of sedimentation that will occur in order to plan for the expense. Understanding and pr… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2009/2010 |
255/269-RU2531/3599 |
The primary objective of the Rutgers Pavement Resource Program (PRP) is to utilize the extensive laboratory and field pavement testing equipment and staff expertise of the Pavement Resource Program in all aspects of Pavement Engineering to assist the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Pavement and Drainage Manag… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2010/2011 |
256-RU2806 |
The primary objective of this project is to promote data quality in the SAFETYNET database and maintain New Jersey’s state rating in an acceptable level (Green) for all defined State Safety Data Quality (SSDQ) measures through consistent monitoring. The project will also provide recommendations for the future enhanceme… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2010/2011 |
266-RU3444 |
The objective of this project is to identify the actual current use of continuous recording in demand response or other public transportation applications in the US, determine the projected costs per vehicle within the next three years for continuous recording vs. Drive Cam type, document actual use of continuous recordi… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2010/2011 |
287-RU4820 |
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires public transit agencies to provide paratransit service to individuals who are unable to use fixed-route buses because of their disability. New Jersey first introduced Access Link paratransit in 1993; in compliance with the law, the system fully shadowed the NJ TRANSIT lo… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2012/2013 |
AITF-RU4474 |
The Accelerated Infrastructure Testing Facility (AITF) would be the first facility in the world to enable accelerated scientific study of deterioration processes on full-scale bridges and also would offer state-of-the-art advanced pavement materials evaluation and testing capabilities. Specifically, the AITF would… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2008/2009 |
Apex-RU0781 |
The objective of the project is the development of a full All-in-one Asset Management tool will be described followed by the identification of specific modules and features that will be implemented during a prototype phase. The All-in-one tool will be developed using client/server applications including a desktop capabil… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2010/2011 |
ATT-RU3528 |
The project is proposed to expand the previous efforts (by WinLab-Rutgers) performed on Parking Guidance and Information System (ParkNet) and assess the effect of real-time dissemination of on-street parking information using mobile connectivity on the gas emission and consequently the environment pollution. The research… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2010/2011 |
CAIT-UTC-002 |
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is concerned with maintaining a minimum level of retroreflectivity on traffic signs under both federal and state jurisdictions. New retroreflectivity standards have been enacted by the FHWA that mandate all transportation agencies “must establish and implement a sign management… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2011/2012 |
CAIT-UTC-006 |
The mission of Rutgers University’s Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) Bridge Resource Program (BRP) is to provide bridge engineering support to the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT)’s Bridge Engineering and Infrastructure Management Unit. The program would be a partnership bet… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2012/2013 |
CAIT-UTC-057 |
The goal of this project is to develop an online platform for sharing, visualizing, and analyzing lidar data to support typical DOT data needs. The project is based on existing data collection capabilities that have been developed at Rutgers University. These capabilities include static terrestrial laser scanning and m… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2014/2015 |
CAIT-UTC-063 |
Understanding how a community is recovering from a disaster is critical to being able to make investments in transportation infrastructure. This project is a follow up study to a 2014 study that looked at the recovery process in Sea Bright, New Jersey. While small (both in terms of population and area), Sea Bright is re… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2015/2016 |
CAIT-UTC-066 |
The research team proposes the development of a cutting edge guideline on Life Cycle Cost Reduction. This document will address the challenge many infrastructure asset owners face and provide critical decision-making tools to optimize both network-level and project specific improvements. The authors will also perf… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2015/2016 |
CAIT-UTC-068 |
The goal of this project is to develop a road map for research through CAIT on transportation infrastructure resilience. The objective is to: 1) Develop an inventory and assessment of current research and activities 2) Develop an inventory of research needs and prioritize these needs 3) Connect the… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2015/2016 |
To minimize obstruction to the traffic, this project aims to carry out investigation of the capability of remote sensing satellite data, including Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data for use in advan… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2014/2015 |
Resilience: “The ability to prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, and more successfully adapt to adverse events” Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative While there are many definitions of resilience and almost as many measures of resilience, operationalizing the concept to be useful in decision makin… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2015/2016 |
Many bridges in this country have reached their intended service-life, and are deemed in need of maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement services. A life cycle inventory collects relevant information about sustainability impacts that can be used to assess the effect of decision on the econo… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2014/2015 |
The Targeted Hits for Modal Parameter Estimation and Rating (THMPER) system is a rapid modal impact trailer, a mobile work station, and streamlined data processing software that is used to extract modal parameters (natural frequencies and global mode shapes) of highway bridges during brief traffic slow downs or partial l… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2016/2017 |
Dredge RU4474 |
The report presented herein is a comprehensive overview of the practice of harbor dredging at the Port of New York and New Jersey, USA. The study was commissioned by the Port Authority of Piraeus, Greece with … |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2003/2004 |
Geo-Hydro-RU0781 |
The primary objective of the project is to provide a review of the current state of practice regarding hydrodynamic models and modeling for ex-situ testing applications. From a selection of graphics, simulations and numerical modules available, the study will provide ease of use, parameter requirements, applicability, fu… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2010/2011 |
GPR RU4474 |
As a part of the Pavement Management Systems (PMS) project, ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys were conducted at locations throughout New Jersey. Interpretations of the survey information were conducted for both network-level pavement management and design-level (project management) purposes. The objective of the wor… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2003/2004 |
IOWA-RU0944 |
Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT), like many other State DOTs, is faced with the need of identifying and deploying means for rapid, nondestructive and accurate condition assessment and performance monitoring of bridge decks. Finding the right technologies will make a tremendous difference in the financial resour… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2009/2010 |
NJIT-RU2147 |
The primary objective of this research is to develop a Drainage Information Analysis and Mapping System (DIAMS), with online inspection data submission, which will comply with the necessary requirements, mandated by both the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB-34) and the federal storm water regulations. |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2009/2010 |
NJIT-RU2935 |
The primary objective of this project to establish the ESTIP application to provide interactive tools and protocols for TIP/STIP review and approvals involving several stakeholders, including NJDOT, FHWA, MPOs, and NJ Transit. To ensure that all the stakeholders’ design requirements were properly addressed in the E-STI… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2010/2011 |
NYMTC-RU0054 |
The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Consultant Management Bureau’s primary responsibilities are to negotiate staffing hours/resources with engineering design consultants, and to monitor the consultant’s costs. Currently the Consultant Management Bureau uses knowledge of past and current proje… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2008/2009 |
OAR-RU3363 |
This proposal is for the development and distribution of a Transportation Skills Assessment Tool (TSAT) for individuals with the Autistic Spectrum Disorder to understand the skills necessary to ride various paratransit and community transportation services. These services include fixed route, complimentary ADA paratransi… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2010/2011 |
PBIAM-RU4474 |
This project will perform an investigation that covers the following broad objectives: |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2008/2009 |
RAIL-RU4474 |
The purpose of this project is to investigate the potential role of short line railroads in the U.S. to perform intermodal terminal operations and distribute/pick-up containers/trailers in metropolitan areas. Included in this project is an investigation of the potential for short line railroads to serve industrial parks … |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2008/2009 |
Satellite-RU0781 |
The increasing emphasis on maintenance of existing infrastructure systems has led to greater use of advanced sensors and condition monitoring systems. Wireless sensors and sensor networks are emerging as sensing paradigms that the structural engineering field has begun to consider as substitutes for traditional tethered … |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2010/2011 |
211 RU8959 |
The primary focus of this report is to demonstrate the suitability of an inorganic polymer composite coating for transportation-related structures. This report presents the results of three field applications and evaluation of graffiti resistance including removal techniques, self-cleaning, and depollution properties. |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2010/2011 |
Major tunnel fires can lead to catastrophic events potentially resulting in the loss of lives, property damage, long service disruptions, and major socioeconomic impacts. A number of previous historical events confirm that tunnel fires may not necessarily cause collapse, but significant damage to the tunnel lining and lo… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop a customized concept of operations (ConOps) of rail track asset management and risk management, built upon an understanding of existing practice, needs, and gaps. The ConOps will be customized to a particular rail agency: PATH. This research will adopt an “user-in-… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
FHWA-NJ-2016-005 |
Given the importance of overcoming the challenges associated with aging and deteriorating bridges, and the need for a full-scale proving ground for evaluation of new and advanced materials and devices, CAIT has procured full-scale load testing equipment. The Heavy Vehicle Load Simulator for Bridge Deck Testing… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2010/2011 |
The overarching aim of the research is to explore and establish the ability of large-amplitude, forced vibration testing to reveal the current performance and forecast the future system performance of bridges, with the consideration of dynamic soil-foundation-structure effects. With the ability to perform reli… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
The overall goal of this study is to determine the most optimal time to apply pavement preservation treatments. Researchers will conduct full-scale accelerated pavement testing and performance evaluation. They also will examine different pavement alternatives, conducting comprehensive performance evaluations i… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
FHWA-NJ-2014-012 |
This project for the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) was designed to analyze potential closure of uncapped New Jersey landfills using dredge material from existing confined disposal facilities (CDF). Periodic dredging of channels and marinas is of significant importance to New… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2013/2014 |
FHWA-NJ-2015-012 |
Several transit agencies nationwide have owned ADA-complementary paratransit facilities since the mid-1990s. A few others have taken to facility ownership within the past decade. NJ TRANSIT has always leased its facilities for Access Link, the ADA-complementary paratransit service provided in parts of 18 New Jersey count… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2014/2015 |
The objective of the study is to develop a working prototype of a micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) device for the real-time, in-situ quantification of metals concentrations in marine sediments. Initially, the field version will be a battery powered, hand held probe that can be pushed into the sediment in relativel… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2017/2018 |
The primary goal of this project is to develop a new sample-to-answer, in-situ micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) probe that can rapidly determine hot-spot locations of metal contamination and what areas do or do not require dredging. This tool could make the resource management process significantly more… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop a simple to use tool that would allow local agencies to develop a mechanistic-empirical design for lower volume (<1,000 vpd) highways. The primary focus would be on pavement overlays and rehabilitation. The current tools available use older empirical-only meth… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
The objective of this research is to provide tunnel ventilation systems owners and the Port Authority of NY & NJ with a vehicle fleet mix forecast model that will enable realistic and practical long-term forecasts of the life-cycle costs of tunnel ventilation systems, and help optimize the performance of t… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2017/2018 |
The primary goal of this study is to help transportation stakeholders achieve better understanding of the usefulness of augmented reality (AR) technologies and encourage wider acceptance of AR in life-cycle management of transportation infrastructure systems through literature synthesis, technology evaluation,… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
Performance- or risk-based earthquake engineering has gained widespread acceptance as a path to achieve user-specified performance targets, which include characterizations of casualties, repair cost, and business interruption, for intensity, scenario- and time-based assessments. There are tools whose roots are in U.S. nu… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
Airfield Pavement Management collects data of structural condition such as fatigue cracking and rutting. However, important factors affect the safety of aircraft operations including non-structural distresses of low friction and surface distortion are missing in the data collection process. The goal of this research is t… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
Existing infrastructure in the U.S. is deteriorating; the symptoms of overdue maintenance and under investment are ever-present in our society. To ensure the safety of existing infrastructure, on-site life-time inspections and monitoring are required. While these methods yield a great deal of raw and analyzed data, curre… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
NJTA owns several steel bridge superstructures that are in service for more than 60 years. Being on strategic commerce route, these bridges are subjected to large Average Daily Truck Traffic (ADTT), with potential for fatigue damage to the bridge superstructure. Recently unique fatigue cracking was discovered in one of t… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2017/2018 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop a well-defined methodology to estimate the remaining strength of a suspension bridge cable that has been exposed to fire. The methodology will rely on a general purpose Finite Element code (ABAQUS) that is commercially available and widely used in the profession. The… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to establish the pilot Smart Intersection Mobility (SIMO) testbed in downtown New Brunswick. The testbed will be equipped with AV-grade LiDAR and computer vision sensors to collect real-time vehicle, pedestrian, and infrastructure change data. Data sharing and testing platforms will b… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
The fundamental problem with the amounts of data collected by railroads is that they have generally lacked tools and the capability to analyze these data to develop predictive models to improve decisions regarding maintenance, operations and capital investments that improve safety, service and, ultimately, overall profit… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop cost-effective standard open rib SOBD demonstrating similar performance as CRD. The new design specifications for open rib SOBD to be developed in this study are expected to be incorporated into the AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications. Additional companion design gui… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
According to the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), New Jersey has the worst traffic bottleneck in the country. With the opening of the second largest retail and entertainment complex in the country, local officials and NJ Governor’s office estimate that the American Dream complex will make congestion a… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
The updated information about the location and type of landing sites is an essential asset for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Department of Transportation (DOT). However, the acquisition, verification, and regular updating of information about landing sites is not an easy or straightforward task, and t… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
The electrified pavement in the charging lane provides in-motion power supply for electric vehicles. However, the service life of pavement may be negatively impacted due to the complicated structure design for achieving the function of dynamic wireless charging. This primary goal of this research is to develop new design… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
This proposal aims to design and develop training curricula including the development of assessment instruments for deriving both formative and summative learning outcomes. This curricula will evaluate the practical flight abilities of prospective UAS pilots. The team will also provide research into powered tether sy… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
To protect the security of the public transportation infrastructure and the enormous amount of public assets, the proposed study intends to develop a decision support tool that can assist infrastructure stakeholders in making decisions at the day-to-day operation level (i.e. evacuation or shutting down of roads and bridg… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
The NYSDOT Seismic Vulnerability Manual provides the procedures for assessing and rating the seismic vulnerability of bridges in NYS to facilitate timely corrective actions. However, these procedures rely on prescriptive vulnerability scores based on as-built conditions and do not systematically account for the bridge de… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to leverage the testing being conducted by FHWA within the BEAST lab to develop a better understanding of the demands for which bridge decks are exposed to in service. The hope is that this work will ultimately contribute to improved design/material/construction approaches to produce … |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
Risk- and resilience-based infrastructure asset management is timely and important for infrastructure owners to anticipate various natural and man-made hazards and maximize the duration and service performance of capital-intensive infrastructure, using an optimal allocation of limited financial resources. There is a pres… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
This project seeks to determine if Solidification and Stabilization (S/S) is a viable remedial strategy for PFAS contaminated sediment. If the process is effective at the sequestration and elimination of contaminant pathways out of the stabilized matrix, then this previously harmful material can be beneficially used as g… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
The concept of digital twins is an enabler to address today’s infrastructure lifecycle management challenges, especially in this challenging era with the growing threats of pandemics, natural disasters, funding shortfalls, and social unrests. Digital twins support cost-effective ways of exploring what-if scenarios … |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop and assess an innovative real-time proactive safety monitoring system based on the trajectory of road users (e.g., cars, pedestrians, and cyclists) collected by video cameras. The results of this project will provide a great opportunity for transportation agencies to rank a… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to define and document JFK Cargo View requirements, evaluating the options and costs to acquire, develop, and manage the system, exploring potential business models to operate and monetize it, and establishing an implementation plan to develop and deploy it. There is potential … |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop a pilot, proof-of-concept study in collaboration with the MTA to explore the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for analyzing infrastructure big data to predict track degradation and future condition. The intended outcome of the project is a novel AI model for track… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
The main focus of the project is to establish a link between a physics-based corrosion model and condition rating assessments. This will empower the DOTs to rationally explore the long-term benefits of investments in innovative technologies, such as advanced materials and innovative construction methods. If the framework… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
The primary goal of this project is to research post-fire damage assessment of reinforced concrete tunnel liners and provide recommendations on damage assessment procedures for application in practice. The recommendations will cover the type of data to be collected after a fire event and how the data should be processed … |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
Leveraging recent advances in artificial intelligence, a novel signal processing technique will be developed to build a surrogate model for an accurate prediction of engineering demand parameters of interest (e.g., peak column drift ratio). The epistemic uncertainty of the surrogate model will be quantified and integrate… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
This project will lay the groundwork for the development of a real-time decision support system for transportation infrastructure management under a hurricane event. Beginning with a systematic review of current decision-making practices, this project will investigate hurricane impacts on the critical infrastructures and… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop a procedure that ensures proper LiDAR data collection focused on bridge deck surface geometry capturing for inspection and monitoring. The intended outcome of the project is to help identify areas of possible early sources of deterioration of the bridge decks, allowi… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to address the challenging problem of automatic identification of helipads and landing sites using the machine and deep learning algorithms. This project’s deliverable is an AI-based system for the identification of helipads, heliports, and landing site infrastructure from satel… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
Transportation agencies have been rapidly deploying emerging concrete materials to improve the sustainability and durability of reinforced concrete infrastructure. This project will focus on the chloride penetration behavior of several novel concrete materials in comparison to baseline ordinary portland cement concrete m… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to use non-contact 3D scanning technology and AI for assisting in the inspection and maintenance procedures for deck timbers and rails on open-deck bridges. The proposed research is a pilot project targeting a virtual open-deck bridge. Upon successful implementation, NJT will b… |
FProject Status: Final | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
This research will analyze data from the 2011 household travel survey for the Greater New York Metropolitan area, conducted by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) and the North Jersey Tran… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2016/2017 |
The natural gas distribution system in the United States has 1.2 million miles of mains and about 65 million service lines (as of 2012). This distribution system, which consist of various material types, is subjected to various threats the impact of which differ depending on material, age, location, and operational funct… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2014/2015 |
The Port Authority of NY & NJ is a leader nationally in incorporating climate resilience into major capital projects at the design phase. The agency has adopted comprehensive design guidelines to improve the resilience of agency infrastructure. However, the agency is interested in documenting leading practices at pee… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
New Jersey’s transportation system, which comprises a vast array of infrastructure, is vulnerable to a range of extreme weather and climate-related hazards including: warming temperatures, temperature extremes, intense precipitation events, drought, rising sea levels, and storm surges. The impact of extreme weather and… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2018/2019 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop a deeper understanding of the relative performance of a wide array of low-carbon concrete systems in environments where the concrete will be subjected to chlorides and other deicing salts. This goal will be met through the following objectives: 1. understand the chloride … |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
Concrete is responsible for about 8.6% of the world’s CO2 emissions, despite the production of concrete having a relatively low carbon intensity compared to other building materials. The excessive release of CO2 from concrete is due to the vast quantities of the material produced each year. The goal of the proposed wor… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
The main goal of this proposal is to develop a proof of concept (POC) for the Port Authority Engineering Department that will provide key stakeholders with improved access to and visualization of key infrastructure assets information (Wharves, retaining walls and bridges etc.). The prototype application will provi… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2020/2021 |
Successful implementation and effectiveness of monitoring systems requires good understanding of (1) structure being monitored, (2) existence of various monitoring technologies and their advantages and limitations, (3) monitoring process and (4) roles of involved parties. In the case of tunnels, lack of understanding of … |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
The Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport and its coastal area in Puerto Rico, an overseas US territory that needs resources to recover from Hurricane Irma and Maria and to face future devastating coastal hazards in the economic crisis, has been facing the challenge of coastal flooding, erosion, and storm damage. Fiel… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to assist NJ TRANSIT’S Bus Service Planning department to create a complete roster of the 500 bus capacity Northern bus garage determining stats such as platform hours and non-revenue mileage totals for potential auditing purposes. The intended outcome of the project includes… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to enhance the resilience of coastal box girder bridges subject to storm and/or tsunami wave loading through an evaluation of their design geometry. Specifically, the geometry to be studied is the angle of inclination of the web plates, the width of the bottom flange (where a width … |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
One of the earliest and most essential decisions that must be made in any infrastructure project is the selection of which project delivery method (PDM) to use. Since the choice of the PDM will dictate the language in the contract and the timing of its signing; state DOTs, local agencies, and tribal governments must make… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
There is a need to advance the manufacturing process for improvements towards sustainable and resilient civil infrastructure. Recent developments in additive manufacturing technologies has enabled bespoke design and flexibility in on-site development or prefabrication of houses, buildings, and bridges. However, the autom… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop different Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for the rapid identification of damage in bridge structures using the bridge’s dynamic response during regular service operation. These algorithms are in theory applicable to any dynamical system but will be tailored specifical… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to investigate the use of steel wool in concrete to increase its crack resistance (fracture toughness and flexural strength) and enable durable, crack-free bridges. Unlike the majority of research efforts that have focused on higher compressive strength (common ultra-high performance … |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop modeling approaches for the beneficial use of raw and stabilized sediments in engineering applications. First, a robust material characterization and strength laboratory testing program will be performed on specimens of raw and stabilized dredged sediments. These results wi… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
The primary goals of this proposal are to assess the stresses and displacements exhibited by the deck under traffic loads; conduct a parametric study encompassing multiple deck and superstructural material and geometric aspects, reflecting varying bridge superstructure systems, and evaluate the extent to which varying br… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop a high-resolution distributed hydrologic model for the state of New Jersey. The model will provide space-time information of streamflow during flood events and will be calibrated/validated against USGS streamflow stations. The calibrated model will run for various Global Cl… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop a comprehensive risk and resilience assessment framework for critical transportation and coastal infrastructure, using the RAMCAP framework as a baseline. The framework will identify potential risks to the infrastructure and analyze its resilience against natural and artifi… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
The primary goal of this proposal is to enhance the understanding of hazards, vulnerabilities, and potential impacts on critical assets at the Little Egg Harbor Yacht Club and develop effective strategies for risk reduction and resilience enhancement. The intended outcome of the project is to generate data to deve… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
The main objectives of this research are to 1) determine correlations between structural monitoring data and bridge condition, 2) develop analytical methods for processing and interpreting structural monitoring data, and 3) develop a model for predicting the remaining service life of structural members based on strain re… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
This project will utilize a combination of field and laboratory testing to (1) improve the preparation of laboratory specimens and (2) help guide the development of QA/QC guidelines. This project aims to improve current approaches by better incorporating the impact of the field construction process, compaction method, an… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
The primary goals of this proposal are 1) to identify the existing traffic, safety, and environmental problems caused by pass-through traffic and natural calamities in New Brunswick, NJ; 2) to foster partnerships with local agencies and communities, focusing on their needs and concerns; 3) to introduce resilient transpor… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |
In this study, proven pavement preservation treatments are proposed to be re-engineered using innovative materials that can better withstand the environmental and traffic loading conditions of the future. In addition, recycled materials are proposed to be introduced to help reduce the carbon footprint of the pavement p… |
IPProject Status: In Progress | Fiscal Year: FY2021/2022 |