Training today’s workforce and inspiring tomorrow’s professionals. CAIT’s hands-on research opportunities and programs for students, and its hundreds of courses for current workers, ensure a well-informed supply of transportation talent.
Training & Events
NJLTAP - Pavement Management Systems (In-Person)
Pavement Management Systems provides the basics for developing a pavement management system to help local governments manage their pavement network by providing an understanding of the concept and importance of road surface inventories and condition surveys.
Work Zone Safety Awareness for Police (Webinar)
This course, similar to our Work Zone Safety Awareness Program, is specifically being offered to current New Jersey law enforcement officers who require an overview of working safely in the roadway.
NJDHTS - Work Zone Safety Train-the-Trainer for Police (In-Person)
This three-day program is designed for experienced police personnel who seek to become trainers in work zone traffic control.
Work Zone Safety Awareness for Police (Webinar)
This course, similar to our Work Zone Safety Awareness Program, is specifically being offered to current New Jersey law enforcement officers who require an overview of working safely in the roadway.
Traffic Control Coordinator Refresher (Webinar)
If you want to work on NJDOT-funded infrastructure projects and haven't taken a refresher in two years, better sign up now. Course covers MUTCD, info on keeping workers safe, new NJDOT safety specs, and other federal and state regulations/changes.
NJDHTS - Work Zone Safety Train-the-Trainer for Police (Webinar)
This three-day program is designed for experienced police personnel who seek to become trainers in work zone traffic control.
Work Zone Safety Awareness (Webinar)
The Work Zone Safety Awareness Program is offered to participants who require an overview of working safely in the roadway. This course is vital for personnel who are required to set up short-term work zones or are assigned to long-term projects, to ensure compliance with the national MUTCD standards.
Traffic Control Coordinator Refresher (Webinar)
If you want to work on NJDOT-funded infrastructure projects and haven't taken a refresher in two years, better sign up now. Course covers MUTCD, info on keeping workers safe, new NJDOT safety specs, and other federal and state regulations/changes.
Work Zone Safety Awareness (Webinar)
The Work Zone Safety Awareness Program is offered to participants who require an overview of working safely in the roadway. This course is vital for personnel who are required to set up short-term work zones or are assigned to long-term projects, to ensure compliance with the national MUTCD standards.
Traffic Control Coordinator Refresher (Webinar)
If you want to work on NJDOT-funded infrastructure projects and haven't taken a refresher in two years, better sign up now. Course covers MUTCD, info on keeping workers safe, new NJDOT safety specs, and other federal and state regulations/changes.
Work Zone Safety Awareness (Webinar)
The Work Zone Safety Awareness Program is offered to participants who require an overview of working safely in the roadway. This course is vital for personnel who are required to set up short-term work zones or are assigned to long-term projects, to ensure compliance with the national MUTCD standards.
Traffic Control Coordinator Refresher (Webinar)
If you want to work on NJDOT-funded infrastructure projects and haven't taken a refresher in two years, better sign up now. Course covers MUTCD, info on keeping workers safe, new NJDOT safety specs, and other federal and state regulations/changes.
2022 Northeast Coastal Conference Highlights Resilience Work Since Superstorm Sandy
On the 10th Anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, the 2022 Northeast Coastal Conference brought together experts and industry leaders to discuss what we have learned, ongoing research and projects that are making our shores and coastal communities safer, and new ways we can continue to build a more resilient future.
A Look Ahead at 2021 and The Long Recovery Crawl from COVID-19
CAIT-affiliated researcher Dr. James W. Hughes has been tracking the economic impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic through his series of Fast Track Research Notes. As we head into the new year with a recent upsurge of cases both nationally and regionally, he provides some new insight on how the situation develops.
For students who dream of flying
A grant from the NSF helped launch Atlantic Cape Community College’s new associate’s degree program in applied science with a concentration on small commercial drone field technicians.
CAIT Partners with NJ TRANSIT and International Association on Rail Training Center
A new center designed to educate the current and next generation of transportation leaders to be resilient to challenges of the 21st century has been established at Rutgers through a partnership with two industry leaders.
APWA Announces new “Public Works First Responder” symbol
The American Public Works Association (APWA) is proud to announce creation of a national “Public Works First Responder” symbol that recognizes public works professionals’ federally mandated role as first responders.
BEAST Lab Studies Innovative UHPC Material for Bridge Preservation & Repair
This summer, the BEAST Lab at Rutgers CAIT began to evaluate emerging bridge preservation technologies in addition to ongoing testing of a full-scale, 50-ft. bridge deck. Specifically, researchers started investigating UHPC to establish measurements of the material’s long-term performance under real-world conditions.
CAIT and NJ LTAP Director Receives ARTBA Award for Administrative Leadership
Janet Leli has been with CAIT since its inception and has contributed to its success over the years through taking on leadership positions and other efforts to advance the transportation field. She was recognized for these contributions at the CUTC Award Banquet before the TRB 2020 meeting.
CAIT Associate Director Elected President of CUTC
Dr. Szary leads CAIT’s research efforts helping to align them with USDOT’s national vision and the needs of stakeholders in the Northeast region. He has been a member of CUTC’s executive board previously, most recently serving as VP last year.
CAIT Associate Director Elected CUTC VP for 2021-2022
Dr. Szary leads CAIT’s research efforts helping to align them with USDOT’s national vision and the needs of stakeholders in the Northeast region. He has been a member of CUTC’s executive board previously, most recently serving as Secretary last year.
CAIT Awarded $3.5 million from USDOT UTC program
Rutgers’ CAIT was awarded a $3.5 million grant from USDOT’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration under the University Transportation Center (UTC) program. This is the third time CAIT has successfully competed to retain its UTC status.
CAIT Awarded Bridge Resource Program to Support NJDOT Research
The BRP is aimed at preserving bridges in the state, enhancing the condition of key transportation infrastructure, and developing new technologies to help engineers build with resilience in mind.
CAIT Celebrates International Women's Day and Women Leaders in Transportation
On Tuesday, March 8th, CAIT celebrated International Women's Day with a special edition of its seminar series that showcased some of the latest achievements and research of women leaders in transportation.
CAIT Director Named ACECNJ Educator of the Year
CAIT Director Dr. Ali Maher was selected by ACECNJ as its 2020 Educator of the Year as part of the organizations’ annual New Jersey Engineering Excellence Awards program.
CAIT Director Named to NJ’s Restart and Recovery Advisory Council
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy recently announced the formation of a statewide council of leaders from various industry, community, and faith-based groups and institutions across New Jersey to work together and advise on the state’s restart and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
CAIT Expands Large-Scale Testing Equipment for Bridge-Deck Development Research
Rutgers CAIT recently enhanced capability in large-scale structural-testing equipment that will enable full utilization of its existing laboratory infrastructure and expand its portfolio in transportation research by providing access to a capability that currently does not exist in any other university in NJ and the region.
CAIT experts testify before NJ Assembly transportation committee
CAIT director Dr. Ali Maher and civil engineering professor Dr. Franklin Moon offered their thoughts on New Jersey infrastructure and encouraged lawmakers to view researchers in higher education as a resource and partner for finding solutions to the state’s pressing issues.
CAIT Hosts 2023 New Jersey Work Zone Safety Conference
This week (April 17-21) marks National Work Zone Awareness Week. Rutgers CAIT hosted the 2023 NJ Work Zone Safety Conference earlier this month recognizing the need for increased safety and awareness on the state’s local roads and highways.
CAIT Hosts 2024 New Jersey Work Zone Safety Conference
Spring brings the start of construction season, and with it the important reminder to practice safe driving especially in and around roadway work zones.
CAIT Launches Infrastructure Asset Management Academy
The Infrastructure Asset Management Academy for Engineers and Planners is a 6-course program taught by experts at CAIT and industry partners designed to provide students with the knowledge, tools, and experience needed to make more informed asset management decisions.
CAIT Leads Innovation & Economic Development Work at Rutgers
Eighty universities nationwide hold the prestigious "Innovation and Economic Prosperity" designation from the APLU. CAIT's workforce development and applied research initiatives aided Rutgers in recently securing this substantial recognition.
CAIT Partners with ARA on Geotechnical Research Contract
ARA was selected as a contractor to provide program support and engineering services to the FHWA’s Office of Bridges and Structures and National Geotechnical Team. CAIT has teamed up with them as a subcontractor to provide research support and expertise.
CAIT Research Provides Guidelines on Recycled Concrete Aggregate Implementation
Due to how it is sourced and produced, the mechanical properties and characteristics of Recycled Concrete Aggregate can vary greatly. As demand for this material grows, it is important for the construction industry to understand the nature of RCA and how it can be applied to different projects.
How the COVID-19 Pandemic Shifted Emerging Trends in Transportation and the Workplace
Dr. James W. Hughes has been tracking the economic impacts of COVID-19 throughout the pandemic with his series of “Fast Track Research Notes.” As recovery continues and vaccines are distributed at a larger scale, he discusses some of the shifts that have occurred and what things might look like as we rebuild.
CAIT Researcher Discusses COVID-19 Recovery, the Infrastructure Bill, and More
The infrastructure bill recently passed by the United States Senate could foster economic growth in the region as has been the case historically with infrastructure investment in New Jersey. CAIT-affiliated researcher, Dr. James W. Hughes, discusses this opportunity and potential roadblocks to economic recovery.
Dr. Husam Najm Named Educator of the Year by ASCE Central Jersey Branch
ASCE Central Jersey honors members dedicated to the advancement of engineering every year at its annual awards ceremony. This year, they selected CAIT-affiliated researcher Dr. Husam Najm for the Educator of the Year Award due to his dedication in helping educate the next generation of civil engineers at Rutgers.
CAIT Researcher Trains NJ Agencies on Statewide Resilience Planning Using New Tech
Dr. Jie Gong gave a 3-hour course earlier this fall on statewide infrastructure resilience to storms, flooding, and other natural disasters at the NJ Regional Intelligence Operation Center.
CAIT Researcher Wins ASCE Huber Prize Recognizing His Research Achievements
The Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prizes are awarded to ASCE members for notable achievements in research related to civil engineering. Dr. Hao Wang was recognized by ASCE with a Huber Prize this year for his innovative research developing durable and smart pavement systems.
CAIT Researchers Present, Win Awards at 23rd Annual NJDOT Research Showcase
The 23rd Annual NJDOT Research Showcase was an opportunity for the New Jersey transportation community to learn about the broad scope of academic research initiatives underway and share technology transfer activities being conducted by institutions of higher education partners and their associates.
CAIT Researchers Will Use AI-powered Technology to Make Public Transit Safer
Artificial Intelligence can help reduce pedestrian and vehicle accidents along NJ TRANSIT’s Hudson-Bergen Light Rail line and beyond.
CAIT Researchers Win Awards, Present at 25th Annual NJDOT Research Showcase
Celebrating its 25th anniversary, NJDOT's annual Research Showcase this October highlighted the benefits of transportation research, recognized leaders in the field, and featured research presentations from faculty and students.
CAIT chosen to lead USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center
The Region 2 UTC consortium is focusing on developing practical tools and methods to improve infrastructure health, durability, and resilience. Partners are: Atlantic Cape Community College, Columbia, Cornell, NJIT, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Princeton, Rowan, SUNY–Farmingdale, and University at Buffalo.
COVID-19 and the Economic Factors Shaping Transportation and Recovery in 2022
On December 9th from 1-2 pm, CAIT researcher and dean emeritus of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers, Dr. James W. Hughes, discussed economic trends the Northeast region is facing as it heads into the new year and continues to recover from the COVID-19 Pandemic.
CAIT Showcases DataCity Lab at Middlesex County’s Inaugural Transportation Symposium
State transportation leaders gathered to learn about mobility and infrastructure projects happening in Middlesex County.
CAIT to Lead Workforce Training as Part of National Center for Rural Road Safety
The National Center for Rural Road Safety is a leading resource to help transportation agencies reduce deaths on their roadways. As it heads into its second tenure, the Center recently announced a new approach and team to help address the needs of local agencies and rural transportation practitioners.
CAIT Update, April 2021
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update, April 2022
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update Enews, August 2019
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation. Includes stories on recent events, research, and faculty accomplishments and activities.
CAIT Update, December 2019
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update, December 2020
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update, December 2021
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update, December 2022
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update, February 2020
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update, February 2021
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update, January 2020
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update, July 2021
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update, Jun 2020
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update, June 2021
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update Enews, May 2019
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation. Includes stories on recent conferences, research, and faculty accomplishments and activities.
CAIT Update, November 2019
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update, October 2022
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update, September 2021
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT Update, September 2022
News from the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center led by Rutgers CAIT.
CAIT-affiliated Researcher Named National Academy of Inventors Senior Member
The National Academy of Inventors (NAI) has named Mehdi Javanmard a senior member. He is one of 95 of the foremost emerging academic inventors identified by NAI’s member institutions to be welcomed to the 2023 class of senior members.
CAIT's Youth Success Program Helps Camden Students Land Construction Apprenticeships
Five soon-to-be graduates at Camden, NJ's Mastery High School have landed apprenticeships at the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, where they will learn and practice over the next four years.
CAIT’s DataCity Part of $26M NSF Grant to Develop a Center for Smart Streetscapes
Led by Columbia University, this grant will develop a new Center for Smart Streetscapes in collaboration with state-of-the-art labs at Florida Atlantic University, University of Central Florida, Lehman College, and Rutgers University/CAIT.
Celebrating International Women's Day 2021
The way that we think about and use transportation as it exists today has been shaped by innovative women leaders throughout history. They have contributed greatly to the safety of all modes of travel, efficiency of our transportation systems, and the development of new technology that drives transportation into the future.
Did you know OSHA has trench safety resources?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, excavation and trench-related fatalities in 2016 were nearly double the average of the previous five years. OSHA has resources to help reverse this trend.
Driving Safely in Work Zones
“Expect the unexpected” when driving in and around work zones. Speed limits and traffic lanes may change and workers may be on or near the road. Diamond-shaped orange warning signs are posted. Stay alert, slow down, and obey flaggers. Read tips for safe driving on this handy sheet.
Fast Track Research Notes 2: Tracking the Economic Impact of COVID-19
The second edition of Fast Track Research Notes published by CAIT-affiliated researcher Dr. James W. Hughes was published earlier in June and looked at New Jersey's May job gain and recovery following staggering loses due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.
FHWA and NACE partner to promote Local Road Safety Plans
FHWA and the National Association of County Engineers helped 25 counties in California, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, Ohio, and Wisconsin develop Local Road Safety Plans. LSRPs provide a framework for local agencies to identify specific conditions that contribute to severe crashes.
Highlights from Year 1 of CAIT’s Rutgers Youth Success Program
During the past year, CAIT’s Rutgers Youth Success Program has engaged over 120 justice-impacted and other vulnerable young people from the Camden, NJ area in activities helping them get back to school, land jobs, seek apprenticeship and career opportunities, and overcome barriers to success.
Inaugural First Responder Summit Brings Transportation Safety Leaders to CAIT
The two-day conference gathered transportation agencies, police and EMS personnel, industry, academic researchers, and more to learn about the latest technologies being deployed and better understand the needs of first responders in the field today.
Jacobs' Junction: PE at Your Service
Ask professional engineer and NJLTAP team member Lloyd Jacobs your transportation project questions. This issue, Lloyd answers questions about requirements for “responsible charges” and reimbursable costs on federally-funded projects.
Long-runnning asphalt pavement conference still drawing crowds
At 62 years and counting, the region’s longest-running asphalt pavement conference was attended by nearly 320 pros from research, transportation agencies, and private industry.
CAIT’s ‘Youth Success Program’ Manager Wins Rutgers–Camden Chancellor’s Award
Mr. Todd Pisani was recognized by Rutgers University–Camden for his efforts supporting youth throughout the Camden NJ area as part of the Rutgers Youth Success Program now housed at CAIT.
Meet CAIT’s 2020 Outstanding Student of the Year: Prarthana Raja
At the 30th annual CUTC Awards Banquet, a UTC student from Rutgers University was recognized by CUTC as the CAIT 2020 Student of the Year. The award highlights outstanding UTC students and their accomplishments in the field of transportation.
Meet CAIT’s 2022 UTC Student of the Year from Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico
At the 102nd annual TRB meeting, Geoffrey Vega, a Ph.D. student in Engineering & Applied Sciences at the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico (PUPR), received the 2022 Student of the Year Award alongside his peers at the CUTC Annual Banquet on Saturday, January 7th.
Meet CAIT’s 2023 Outstanding Student of the Year: Holly Josephs from Rutgers
At of the 103rd annual TRB meeting, Holly Josephs, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Rutgers, received the 2023 Student of the Year Award alongside her peers during the CUTC Awards Banquet on Saturday, January 6th.
New Algorithm Could Simplify Decisions for Ship Channel Dredging
Ship channel managers regularly have to schedule maintenance and dredging activities in order to keep channels clear from sand, debris, and trash. Delays in dredging can triggering increased risks, the need for repeated maintenance and lost revenue.
New Asphalt Analysis Software Tool Helps Test Pavement Performance More Efficiently
CAIT researchers at the Rutgers Asphalt and Pavement Laboratory created this new free technology and are now licensing it to professionals in the field. The software can easily provide analysis for various asphalt-performance testing specifications while alleviating errors and decreasing testing time.
New Tech Sheets: Strategies to Improve Pedestrian Safety
EDC-4 Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) tech sheets, complete with stats and clear graphics, provide information on safety benefits and design considerations for five STEP countermeasures.
New guide helps local and regional transportation pros reach zero deaths
As an increasing number of local and regional transportation agencies are committing to the vision of eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries and developing and implementing their own transportation safety plans. This FHWA guide will help them do it right.
New Jersey, Nation May See Consumer Boom, New Workplace Dynamic in 2021
New report provides assessment of 2020’s economic journey and an outlook for 2021.
Build a Better Mousetrap Competition: What’s your bright idea?
NJLTAP invites transportation “boots on the ground” to submit their ideas for how to improve quality, increase safety, reduce costs, or maximize efficiency of road maintenance and improvement projects.
New Jersey’s Employment Drops to 1985 Level, New Report Finds
Rutgers researchers provide analysis on the pandemic’s impact on state’s economy through new Rutgers Regional Report published by a CAIT-affiliated researcher.
New Software Tool Will Help Local Agencies Do Their Own Pavement Design
Under-designing roads can mean more expensive repairs for local towns and counties in the long run. Cornell’s Dr. David Orr, PE, developed an innovative tool to help bring the proper pavement designs to local agencies. The product launched this winter following testing by local agencies and stakeholders in New York State.
New webinars from the Center for Local Aid Support
Innovation Exchange events bring transportation leaders to the table to share ideas and out-of-the-box practices with proven results. View past webinars or stay in the loop for future events on the Office of Innovative Program Delivery exchange page.
NJ State Transportation Innovation Council spring meeting report
NJ STIC held its annual spring meeting on April 4, 2018. Presentations included updates on status of STIC projects, overviews of select projects and outreach efforts, and a roundtable discussion. Presentations are posted on the NJDOT tech transfer website.
NJ TRANSIT and CAIT Host Research & Technology Partnership Forum
Recognizing successful research collaboration between the agency and university, On April 6th NJ TRANSIT and Rutgers CAIT hosted a Research & Technology Partnership Forum featuring some of their ongoing projects.
NJ Transit and CAIT Awarded Grant to Study Pedestrian Detection at Rail Crossings
Federal Transit Administration Grant Award Advances Transit Innovation and Safety.
NJ Transit Selects Four Companies to Develop Innovative High-Tech COVID-19 Solutions
This summer, CAIT and NJ Transit partnered to study the potential applications of ultraviolet-c light for disinfecting the agency’s bus fleet from COVID-19 in an effort to investigate the latest technology to help keep vehicles clean during the pandemic.
NJDOT one-on-one training for Safe Routes to Schools applicants
New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti announced the department is offering one-on-one training sessions for local-government agency representatives interested in applying for the Safe Routes to School Program grants.
Notable News: CAIT Research in the News
From studying and monitoring roadways paved with waste-plastic infused asphalt to analyzing the regional economy and outlook for 2023, CAIT researchers have been making headlines lately for their impactful and implementable research.
Notable News: Faculty Accomplishments and Activities, August 2020
Amid restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the region, researchers at the Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation have still been able to conduct important work and take on new challenges in transportation—highlighted by recent media coverage and virtual events.
Notable News: Faculty Accomplishments and Activities, March 2021
Researchers at the Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation continue to conduct important work and take on new challenges in transportation during the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. Here are some of our recent highlights.
Notable News: Faculty Accomplishments and Activities, May 2021
Researchers at the Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation continue to conduct important work and take on new challenges in transportation during the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. Here are some of our recent highlights.
Notable News: Faculty Accomplishments and Activities, November 2019
As the USDOT Region 2 University Transportation Center, part of CAIT’s mission is to share the innovative tools, technologies, and processes that its researchers develop with the right stakeholders so that they can be implemented and solve the most pressing challenges today’s transportation network and industry faces.
Notable News: Faculty Accomplishments and Activities, Summer 2021
From innovative research to receiving awards, read about some of the recent highlights and successes from researchers at the Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation during the summer months.
Print Newsletter Captures Recent Highlights at CAIT
CAIT has been busy in recent months with projects ranging from building virtual reality modules for workforce training to using drones in innovative ways for highway interchange asset inspection. Check out the latest edition of Transportation Today, our print newsletter, for these stories and much more.
Recap: 2017 Work Zone Safety Conference
Roadway work crews face many dangers: inattentive drivers, hazardous dust, night work, and soon, autonomous vehicles. More than 250 construction, engineering, public works, and law enforcement pros gathered at the NJ Work Zone Safety Conference, held each year in conjunction with National Work Zone Awareness Week.
Recruiting tomorrow’s workforce
FHWA’s National Summer Transportation Institute celebrates 25 years of introducing students to college life and sparking their interest in careers in transportation.
Registration Opens for Inaugural 'North American Regional Training Center' Courses
Created by a partnership between UITP, NJ TRANSIT & Rutgers CAIT, the training courses assemble international experts to share best practices on electric buses, fare management, rail operations and more.
Robot Dog Makes Infrastructure Maintenance a ‘Walk in the Park’ for CAIT Researchers
Able to climb stairs, navigate rough terrain, and respond to commands, the mobile robotic dog, “Spot,” offers Rutgers CAIT researchers an autonomous technology for innovations in infrastructure maintenance and repair.
CAIT Asphalt Team Passes National NCAT Certification for Pavement Smoothness Testing
This certification meets AASHTO standards and requirements. It also further validates equipment used in the lab and supports ongoing efforts at Rutgers to monitor and maintain New Jersey’s pavement network in partnership with NJDOT.
CAIT Receive $5M to Build Advanced Bridge Technology Clearinghouse
The research program will develop a semi-autonomous online portal for identifying and promoting new bridge technologies into practice.
Rutgers CAIT Helps Teach Professional Engineers New Ground Improvement Methods
Rutgers CAIT hosted A Training Course on Ground Improvement Methods that outlined best practices for dealing with poor ground conditions at the job site. Professional engineers came to campus for the two-day event to learn about these technologies from guest instructor Jerry A. DiMaggio.
Rutgers CAIT Hosts Students from the University of Piraeus’ Dept. of Maritime Studies
Approximately 30 “MSc in Shipping” students, along with faculty from the Department of Maritime Studies, visited the US for tours of shipping and port organizations such as the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, as well as relevant research centers and academic programs.
Virtual Environments Can Improve Work Zone Training
A CAIT researcher has developed two fully-interactive virtual environments that mesh innovative VR technology with the needs of infrastructure managers. Roadside crews can step into both of these bridge and pump-station environments, and step out with the hands-on experience they need to do their jobs.
Rutgers CAIT Helps JFK International Airport Facilitate and Optimize Cargo Movement
This new research project will help to identify best practices to facilitate truck movements and minimize truck wait time at JFK International Airport for land-side cargo movements through a systems analysis of cargo movement and logistics.
Rutgers CAIT To Host Annual NJ Work Zone Safety Conference on April 7th
Ahead of National Work Zone Awareness Week, Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation will host the annual New Jersey Work Zone Safety Conference on Thursday, April 7th, from 8:30 am to 1 pm.
Rutgers Faculty Highlighted by National Center for Infrastructure Transformation
Dr. Vassiliki Demetracopoulou is an Assistant Professor at Rutgers University and an affiliated researcher at the Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT). Her research was recently featured in NCIT's December newsletter.
Rutgers Professor Wins 2021 ACECNJ Educator of the Year Award
The American Council of Engineering Companies of New Jersey celebrated its 50th annual Engineering Excellence Awards this July, and recognized Rutgers professor and CAIT-affiliated researcher Dr. Nenad Gucunski as its Educator of the Year.
Rutgers Rail Lab Hosts FRA Safety Workshop
Nearly 200 transportation leaders visited Rutgers to discuss how the rail industry can improve public safety along its thousands of track miles.
RU Student Wins NJDOT Outstanding Transportation Student Award for Pothole Research
At the 24th Annual NJDOT Research Showcase, Rutgers student Xiao Chen won the 2022 Outstanding University Student in Transportation Research Award for his work on the NJDOT project “Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques.”
Seasoned pavement pros spread asphalt know-how
CAIT has a robust pavement operation that boasts long-standing AASHTO accreditation. It’s also committed to spreading the word—and skills—on pavement management, customized condition modeling, budget planning, and finding the right materials for every application.
Workforce Development: Preparing Justice-Impacted Youth for Transportation Careers
NJDOT recently interviewed Mr. Todd Pisani, training director of CAIT’s Rutgers Employment Success Program, that is running strategic workforce development programs to help youth from underserved populations start transportation careers.
The Robots Are Coming, the Robots Are Coming!
CAIT expert briefed NJDOT on “gee whiz” automated systems and advanced technologies developed at the center that give bridge owners a picture of bridge health inside and out, and accelerated testing that indicates how they may hold up over time.
TRB GUIDE: See Updates from CAIT’s DataCity and Rutgers Researchers at TRB
TRB’s Annual Meeting attracts thousands of transportation professionals from around the world to cover the latest research across all modes of travel. Among them, CAIT researchers will be presenting their work at sessions highlighted in this article.
New Jersey observes National Work Zone Safety Week for 20th year
New Jersey's conference observing National Work Zone Safety Week celebrated its 20th year in 2019 and drew more than 250 transportation professionals from construction, public works, maintenance operations, engineering, utilities, and public safety.
Two safety innovations take the stage in EDC-5
According to national traffic data from USDOT, severe and fatal crashes are on the rise across the country, increasing 5.6 percent from 2015 to 2016. These two approaches can bring that number back down.
CAIT Completes Year 1 of the North American Regional Training Center with Partners
As the global demand for sustainable urban mobility grows, UITP, alongside its North American members, recognized the need to take a proactive role in enhancing the skills of the region’s public transport workforce.
USDOT invites Rutgers Ph.D. to “pipe up” for STEM
PHMSA invited Rutgers grad student Milad Salemi to present his research at a workshop to encourage high school students to pursue STEM fields and to expose them to transportation careers. The event was part of the USDOT 50th Anniversary celebration.
USDOT UTC Region 2 Researchers Win Awards, Present, and More at Annual TRB Meeting
Transportation professionals from around the world came together last week to share research, discuss the future of the industry, network, and more. Among them, researchers from CAIT shared their own work ranging from autonomous vehicles and accessibility to preventing tunnel fires.
UTC Partner Discusses Emerging Concrete Materials on Structural Engineering Podcast
During a recent episode of the Structural Engineering Podcast Channel, UTC partner at NJIT and CAIT-affiliated researcher Dr. Matthew Bandelt, was interviewed about his work with this innovative material and its many applications.
UTC Partner Wins NSF CAREER Award for Concrete Research
Dr. Matthew Bandelt, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and a CAIT University Transportation Center partner, won the award to continue his research studying the use of highly ductile concrete materials in structural systems.
UTC Partners at NJIT Host Campus Tour for STEM Students
Leveraging its network of resources and partners as the Region 2 USDOT University Transportation Center, CAIT set up STEM tours with NJIT this fall for its students in the Rutgers Youth Success Program.
Atlantic Cape Community College Launches Drone Degree This Fall
Atlantic Cape Community College (ACCC) is helping its students enter the multi-billion-dollar drone industry in two ways: with micro-credentials offered through a new degree program, and by establishing the college’s drone-pilot certification program as the industry standard.
UTC Partners Engage in Multi-Year Drone Entrepreneurship Kickstarter Project
The overall grant will fund a 3-year project that calls on students to develop a business plan built around licensable intellectual property that they will present and pitch to a panel of potential investors as part of the competition. The winning team will receive a monetary award to help them launch their venture.
UTC Partners Explore First & Last-Mile Transportation Solutions in Camden NJ
University Transportation Center partners at Rowan University are creating an effective and specialized approach to the Last Mile Challenge for the City of Camden, NJ, to improve transportation accessibility, public health, education, and employment opportunities for city residents.
UTC Research Investigates Ways to Streamline Truck Cargo Movements at JFK Airport
Research with GatewayJFK and JFK International Airport analyzed the benefits of an airport-wide Truck Flow Management System to coordinate truck traffic and cargo movements throughout the airport and surrounding region.
Youth in STEM Program Kicks Off Year 3 With High-Tech Tours at Rutgers CAIT
Bridge to Employment is a J&J youth development program designed to inspire young people from historically marginalized communities to stay in school and pursue STEM careers. A local site kicked off year 3 of its program with lab tours and technology demonstrations at Rutgers CAIT this September.